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08-06-19 (DRAFT)
- Community Catalog Project to be postponed to October. Stay tuned.
- 8/20 meeting: ETD ice cream party and guest: Leslie McRoberts
Authorities Processing Refresher: Lisa Robinson
- Metadata Management Unit
- Comprised of Lisa Robinson, Lark Braten, Mark Andrews
- Quick Facts
- We have 9.5+ million bib records, 3.3+ million authority records in the catalog
- Backstage Library Works is our authorities processing vendor for last three years
- Last year, we sent out 250k bib records for processing, excluding Serials Solutions records because of their frequent changes and overlays. But we do include stable records from vendors in authorities processing.
- Average of 21k bib records sent per month
- Average of 13k authority records per month changed or updated, not including average of 950 local manual changes made
- Locally using 982 "No Backstage" to exclude specific records from being sent for processing
- BSL bases authority file changes sent to us on comparison against a copy of our authority file
- What BSL does:
- MetMan gathers each months bib records, sends to BSL
- BSL changes headings in bibs based on authority record cross references; has some trouble with typos and incomplete string matches
- Dumb machine stuff, for example: the keyword "gender" incorrectly added as a 6XX triggered the inclusion of 6 irrelevant corporate name headings based on cross-reference matches
- BSL corrects skip indicators, various codes like language and country
- Performs RDA enrichment, inserts reading level codes, URI enrichment
- Doesn't add TOC or summaries
- What MetMan does:
- Responds to BSL reports on prospective headings and codes to change
- Responds to / uses Sierra tools, e.g. daily headings report
- Headings report helps evaluate new headings in catalog - not as useful now given BSL
- Headings report usable as a way of finding retrospective cataloging that lacks BSL treatment
- Local authority records
- Minted for disambiguation (e.g. Rovi band names)
- Aliens & Illegal aliens local changes
- Looks for broken URLs for non-licensed resources
- Info for original catalogers:
- You can bring in NARs yourself for new cataloging, if you want - BSL will just overlay the record you bring in (presumably unchanged) at the end of the month
- You should bring in NARs for any new authority work done for retrospective cataloging - BSL processes may not catch these otherwise
07-16-19 (DRAFT)
Cataloging Show-and-Tell
- Kate
- Executioner's log, 1600-1821 : manuscript. Cataloging still in progress. Manuscript volume kept by executioners in the Franconia region.
ALA reports (Part 2)
- Tim
- Tim is a member; ALA entailed many hours of meetings, updates and discussion regarding the 3R project
- Announcements will now be made whenever BETA Toolkit is updated
- Development of BETA Toolkit "Visual Browser" is suspended
- BETA Toolkit becomes official Toolkit first half of 2020 at earliest (though we speculate it will be longer)
- Policy Statements:
- RDA worked with stakeholders to create templates
- Reformatting existing PS's will be difficult; not sure if it will be possible
- British Library furthest ahead; currently 200+; their PS's tend to be less detailed than LC. Mapping to BETA proving difficult with many one-to-many mappings.
- New RDA data and MARC: discussion papers to come at Midwinter, running through Jan. 2021.
- RDA revision procedures: Kathy Glennan advocating for quarterly updates. RDA is now atomized, so new proposals will have cascading effects.
- Non-human personages (Kate James):
- Fictitious characters, spirits, living animals, etc: new RDA doesn't count these as agents, but subjects aren't in scope for RDA, so these can still be treated as subjects. Only ruled out as RDA contributors and creators.
- Could be accommodated as a generic "related entity" but still not defined as an RDA entity.
- LC proposes to keep putting these in NAF but not to code them as RDA.
- Guidelines would have to be a new manual outside RDA and outside PS's.
- Nicole
- LD4P: Sinopia BF editor is WYSIWYG - don't need to know coding to use.
- Wikidata buzz: LC/OCLC are populating IDs for linkages
- MarcEdit: to include an XML editor and lightweight OpenRefine
- Janis Young: LCDGT development on hold due to issues implementing certain hierarchies
- New ClassWeb on the way
ALA reports (Part 1)
- Joshua
- Jackie Shieh (Smithsonian) exhorted catalogers (yet again) not to fret over unfamiliarity with underlying coding of SPARQL and other LD technologies, assuring us that interfaces will be provided. Analogy: we all use Connexion Client and (almost) none of us know or care that ‘Desc’ is character 18 in the Leader of the fixed fields.
- University of Wyoming demoed their process of inserting JPEGs into Sierra records to display thumbnails and full images of equipment available for checkout. (Discussion at our meeting speculated that thy are using Millenium Media Manager, a product we have available).
- TJ Kao (George Washington U) discussed workarounds for network zone vs. institutional zone in Alma/Primo. They use MARC Format for Holdings Data to insert fields like 541, 561, 563, etc. but have to map them to local 9XX fields to prevent them from displaying in NZ.
- At a cataloging ethics discussion, a representative from Baker & Taylor mentioned a growing awareness at the company of market pressure to inject “advertising” into vendor-created catalog data as a means of tooling catalog data for discovery tools. That is, kind of like SEO for library discovery tools.
- That same discussion group mentioned the need for clear statements of purpose for the National Authority File – is it for bibliographical disambiguation? Or for biographically-infused identity management? The temptation is there to record much more personally identifying information than is necessary (or in some cases more than is safe).
- Emily
- As part of CaMMS Executive Committee, Emily heard updates on the formation of an ALCTS ethics committee that will be assessing and drafting statements on cataloging ethics issues. The committee is being chaired by Beth Shoemaker and Karen Snow. RSVPs are out now to join working groups within the committee. Their work is being kept up here: http://sites.google.com/view/cataloging-ethics
- The ALCTS CaMMS Subject Analysis Committee (SAC) wanted to pursue the issue of aliens / illegal aliens with the Library of Congress. A meeting was held between ALCTS and LC representatives. LC feels directed to "adhere to US Code" in the use of the term "illegal." A productive meeting, though, and SAC hopes to find a way to move forward.
- Lucas
- OCLC Linked Data Roundtable: LC is integrating LCCN into Wikidata entries, updating every two weeks. LC Photographic Section have a way to use Wikidata data points to support contextual browsing.
- Cataloging & Classification Interest Group: German National Library is using machine learning to do Dewey Decimal Classification as a response to being unable to keep up with influx of cataloging. Storing machine-generated data in MARC field 883.
- Technical Services Workflow Efficiencies Interest Group: Lehigh University is uing a Google App script to search OCLC automatically. "Match-MARC" is an add-on. It searches Google Sheets columns of ISBN or LCCN against WorldCat and downloads matching data. The spreadsheet can then be passed to MarcEdit to create MARC records or used to output OCLC numbers to use Connexion Client to do a batch search.
- Lisa
- Reports on the LD4P project discussed developments with the BIBFRAME editor Sinopia. There was discussion of the development of an authority data normalization layer to search varying authority data sources (i.e. not just NAF) at the same time.
- The movie Change the Subject was shown at ALA. It deals with the genesis of the aliens / illegal aliens subject change, which started among students at Dartmouth.
- LC's BIBFRAME catalog is now available (experimentally) at id.loc.gov.
Cataloging Show-and-Tell
- Tad
- Cosmographia Petri Apiani / Peter Apian. A 1553 book from the Chase collection, which is our first cataloged piece to contain volvelles.
- Joshua
- Eggroll. Spring 1992. Page bONE / Wayne Alejandro Wolbert. A single detached page from the spring 1992 issue of the zine Eggroll.
PCC OpCO meeting report
- See Joshua's slides here for more detail
- RDA Beta Toolkit
- text stabilized as of April 30
- RSC presentations: http://www.rda-rsc.org/node/589
- orientation/training around new Toolkit expected later in 2019
- Aggregates
- manifestations that embody multiple expressions of works
- Diachronic works
- [indefinite?] work intended to be embodied over time
- OCLC updates
- Record Manager (intended Connexion replacement) now has NACO functionality
- OCLC still planning to discontinue some encoding levels (M, J, K, and I) but no timeframe yet
- NACO updates
- inclusion of URIs in 024 fields not currently valid; but a working group is interested in suggestions from catalogers around what types of URIs should be included; specific examples can be sent to them
- acknowledgement of ethical implications of personally identifying information in NARs
- an emerging willingness to back away from including non-necessary information, especially demographic information
- LCSH multiples
- subject strings with placeholders for multiple possible subdivisions are being converted and broken out into all specific valid options
- Example: Bashfulness–Religious aspects–Buddhism, [Christianity,etc.]
- once converted to individual heading strings by LC, use the new heading strong; if the heading string you need isn't established, we must propose it
- subject strings with placeholders for multiple possible subdivisions are being converted and broken out into all specific valid options
- ClassWeb
- new interface coming; hopefully less clicking between menus!
- WikiData workshop
- Joshua made this → https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q63440984
- Going back to 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at 3pm
- Change in local treatment of Aliens and Illegal aliens
- These won’t be used in original cataloging
- Report contains recommendation for catalogers: continue use of normal practice, and Backstage processing will make programmatic changes
- This means we aren’t changing practice in WorldCat
- Terms will be recognized by second ind 4
- Two local authority records to support local terms
- We expect at some point LC will implement this change as well, and we will already be in line with the new practice
- Refer to report sent out earlier
- Change to these terms has happened
- EC has approved some further related changes; plans are still in process for this
- The only other lib we know of who has made a similar effort is Bard (Amber Billey)
- Changing the Subject doc being shown at ALA
- ISBD punctuation
- No punctuation changes may be made to already authenticated PCC records
- But non-PCC cataloging should follow conventional practice for now
- PCC recently rolled out plan for discontinuing ISBD punctuation
- Terminal punctuation may now be omitted from descriptive fields in new PCC compliant records
- Let Joshua know if you encounter records missing more than terminal ISBD punctuation — our system can not accommodate these records
- Local policy for those doing PCC work — ok to leave off terminal periods
- 900ish ETDs remaining
- Great progress! Down from 1563
- Tad
- Recently received, will be cataloging, a Byrnes Euclid: 1840s London book on geometry featuring early color diagrams.
- A workflow is in progress for getting almanacs cataloged.
- Tim:
- ALA updates:
- Implementation of ISBD omission options being slowed pending creation of OCLC macros to allow for ISBD re-creation.
- RDA Beta Toolkit to stabilize in the spring.
- ALA updates:
- Nicole:
- ALA updates:
- LD4P2 update at PCC meeting featured Sinopia, the BIBFRAME-based linked data editing tool.
- FAST vocabularies moving from "experimental" to production after a looooong time.
- ALA updates:
- Kate:
- Kate shared Karen Hamner's Eighteenth century trade binding, a book with parts cut away to demonstrate such things as marbled endpapers, raised bands, stamped borders, etc.
- Janice:
- Shared some examples from the Arsenal Collection.
- RBMS vocabularies (except for 'Genre') are supposed to be followed by a qualifier bearing the thesaurus name.
- We were irregularly applying these qualifiers.
- All RBMS vocabulary authority records have been updated to include the appropriate qualifiers.
- RBMS headings in bib records should be updated as catalogers come across them.
Catalogers are encouraged to use geographic ($z) and chronological ($y) subdivisions with RBMS vocabularies. Chronological subdivisions may be by the century or an individual year. Use of $z or $y will likely precipitate the need for a terminating period before $2.
- Loretta
- Africana newspapers
- Emily
- made progress clearing out inherited serials backlog
- some order record slips from the 70s and 80s!
- Nicole
- SPC and Maps Library manuscript collections with several challenging cataloging decisions
- handmade postcards with various maps from all over the world
- digital video files
- SPC and Maps Library manuscript collections with several challenging cataloging decisions
- Mike
- Zine comic books
- learning the difference between Randy's local terms for New Wave comics (usually handmade, underground in nature, etc.) and Alternative comics (not mainstream but clearly published material, ready for sale, etc.)
- Jessica
- continuing cataloging education with Africana book series in Chinese
- first attempts at name authority work
- Cathy
- collectible card albums from mid-20th century with popularized depictions of colonial Africa
- interesting from a historical perspective, presents some challenges in terms of subject analysis
- Autumn
- cataloged a coursepack and found little guidance in RDA or among best practices communities, and no helpful examples in OCLC
- hard to determine nature of material and responsibility roles – a mix of reproduced published content and professor's supplied bibliographical content
- cataloged as unpublished (t workform) and professor as contributor (700) with $e organizer relationship designator
- Lisa
- currently working on batch and manual updates to change Aliens and Illegal aliens subject headings and various related subdivisions in the catalog
- being replaced with terms Unauthorized immigration and Non-citizens
- these new terms have local authority records, which contain all the cross-references for Illegal aliens
- plus they have "Illegal aliens" as a cross-reference
- headings like Children of illegal aliens are not currently being changed; further discussion is planned for handling such headings
- presented by Jay Weitz of OCLC, a well-respected cataloging instructor and database quality expert
- covered mostly familiar territory of OCLC's Bib Formats Chapter 4 "When to Input a New Record"
- some new information:
- for M level pre-publication records, differences between the piece in hand and the 245, 250, 260/264, and 490 fields should be regarded as less significant; catalogers should consider upgrading the M-level record, rather than creating a new record
- when creating a new record for a similar edition, catalogers are encouraged to supply their own 250 statement in order to prevent OCLC's de-duplication program from zapping the new record
- this is permissible under RDA!
- Jay has full presentations about this and other "cataloging defensively" techniques
- OCLC considers a "substantive difference" of pagination to be 3 pages; in resources of 10 pages or less, any difference is substantive
- OCLC considers a "substantive difference" in dimension to be 2 or more cm
- OCLC desires catalogers to use Chapter 4 as their primary guide for inputting a new record, and the ALCTS Document "Differences between, changes within" as a complementary set of guidelines
- Mini grant project for African language cataloging
- will involve collaborative work between catalogers and language experts from the community
- Joshua will be asking for volunteers from among original catalogers shortly
- flex time will be offered for hours spent on this work
- the hope is not only to catalog resources we aren't able to process in-house, but also expose these resources to the communities who might be most interested in them, as well as involve stakeholders in the work of describing resources from their own cultures
- More info about Aliens/Illegal aliens changes
- TSTM and EC agreed to use LC's proposed alternatives to these headings, which were fully vetted and authorized for use before legislative issues arose
- A group has been appointed to investigate the possibility of local alternatives to other related subject headings like Children of illegal aliens
- These changes have implications for terms that we assign in our original cataloging work; more discussion and guidance coming
- Do WEMI-to-WEMI relationship designators require qualifiers in all cases?
- No, we're to use the relationship designator as it appears in RDA Appendix J. For example:
- 775 08 $i Translation of: $a ...
- 700 1_ $i Abridged as (work): $a ...
- No, we're to use the relationship designator as it appears in RDA Appendix J. For example:
- Reviewed from LC with some additions by Joshua
- Posited as the successor to Connexion, but with no end-of-life date yet scheduled for Connexion
- Watched this video previewing the tool
- Heads up regarding LC services affected by government shutdowns in past (though LC ended up not being affected in this shutdown)
- PCC ISBD decisions
- See announcement from PCC (below)
- In Spring 2019, MSUL must decide:
- How or if we want to implement any of the available options re: ISBD punctuation
- What to do (if anything) about copy that implements options 2 or 3
PCC colleagues, At its recent meeting, the PCC Policy Committee reaffirmed its decision to allow bibliographic records with limited ISBD punctuation to be treated as full-level PCC copy. This decision comes after reviewing feedback from test participants who evaluated three test sets of records provided by Library of Congress, the National Library of Medicine, and OCLC. For more information about the test, please read the message below or click here.
Beginning in spring 2019, PCC libraries will have three options to handle ISBD punctuation when authenticating new records:
1. Continue current practice
2. Omit terminal period in any field*; code Leader/18 (Descriptive cataloging form) “i”
3. Omit ISBD punctuation between subfields of descriptive fields and omit terminal period in any field*; code Leader/18 (Descriptive cataloging form) “c”
* Exception: Terminal periods integral to the data (e.g., recorded as part of abbreviations, initials, etc.) should not be omitted.
Options 2 and 3 are optional, not mandatory. However, creating records with limited punctuation is expected to save time for catalogers, simplify training of new catalogers, make it easier to map data to and from other formats, and allow for an easier transition to linked data or vice versa (e.g., mapping BIBFRAME to MARC).
To facilitate the implementation, PCC will:
1. Develop and maintain style guidelines for records with limited punctuation;
2. Provide adequate training resources for catalogers and revise PCC documentation to update policies and include examples with limited punctuation;
3. Request that LC Network Development and MARC Standards Office and bibliographic utilities revise MARC 21 documentation to include examples with limited punctuation;
4. Work with bibliographic utilities and other interested parties to develop tools and specifications to automate the process of removal or reinsertion of punctuation;
5. Encourage vendors, bibliographic utilities, etc., to explore functionality to index and display records with limited punctuation as defined by the PCC;
6. Encourage vendors, bibliographic utilities, etc., to explore functionality to allow their users to easily add or remove punctuation as needed.
The Policy Committee is in the process of developing a detailed implementation plan which will include the aforementioned style guidelines. I will share more information with you as it becomes available. In the meantime, if you have questions, suggestions, or comments, please feel free to contact me.
Xiaoli Li
PCC Chair
Head of Content Support Services
UC Davis Library
- Loretta
- working on Remote problems backlog
- Tad
- Working with Andrew Lundeen to reboot the Provenance Project
- Working on an almanac owned by Ann Cackett; includes wax pages and a stylus for inscribing in them; 2 leaves with holiday dates from a separate, unknown source
- Susan
- In search of pictures of retiring Chief Dunlap for a project
- Kate
- UN Apartheid papers being done as monographs; there are a lot of them, and they are thin!
- Emily
- Serial puzzle: was able to identify a serial from an online surrogate and discover that the piece in hand was a preview issue. A Lockwood serial Cuisine at home with annotations like, "Good recipes, but full of fat."
- Lisa Robinson
- November headings processing is complete
- Heads up: LC is canceling multiples per this announcement (e.g. --Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.]); replacing with individual headings for each. Going forward, catalogers will have to check the authority file before using implicated headings. If a needed heading doesn't yet exist, it will require a SACO proposal.
- Tim
- Maps Library locked cabinet sheet maps will eventually be a test case for flipping current AGS classification to LC; Tim works on these maps accordingly when other pieces aren't in queue, in an attempt to have them completed before a test occurs.
- Has encountered his first maps from the Lockwood collection
- Cathy
- Working on Lockwood, Mexican and Russian books presently
- An interesting one: someone had crossed out all of the "swear words"
- Janet
- Working on new Rovi DVDs and Blu-rays
- One travel series complicated by incorrect containers, labels and even disc menus 😮
- Announcements:
- Moving ahead with changing 'Aliens' and 'Illegal aliens' to LC-(almost)-approved replacements; will be convening a small group to plan for these changes after the new year
- ETDs will be posted for cataloging sometime after the new year
- Autumn returning mid-December
- Courtney Ohenzuwa: new LAIII on Autumn's team
- Zoë McLaughlin: Area Studies & Accessibility Librarian with new secondary assignment in CMS
- Tim
- He and Kathleen Weessies have devised a new collection: the Place Marketing Collection, in the Map Library
- He is taking on an informal collecting role with it and focusing on cataloging that material now
- Janet
- Map realia: dozens of jigsaw puzzles of maps (one example: http://catalog.lib.msu.edu/record=b12907000~S39a)
- "Dissected US" maps: a 19th century term; maps pasted on wood & cardboard, cut up to use as teaching tools
- Containers typically include a piece count, but not other attributes like size, etc. So cataloging requires assembling the puzzles 😮
- Most puzzles are realia, but it turns out map puzzles are done on cartographic workforms
- Lisa Robinson
- Lark Braten coming on as Metadata Management LAIV
- Cathy & Tad
- Lockwood Romani item: The Romanichels, a lucubration / by Tringurushi Juvalomursh (record is a work in progress as of 11/8/18)
- One copy that Tad & Kate worked on bound with covers pasted with old Bible leaves; Tad was able to date leaves to 15th or 16th century
- However the piece itself was published in 1909, distributed by Gypsy Lore Society
- Later found a second copy, with inscription "the last book my mother read before she died" 😮
- Yet another copy with what appears to be a transcribed letter from the author with an explanation of author's pen name
- Tad: will involve some creative use of headings for binding, annotation, etc.
- Bible leaves on the first copy apparently from a Liverpool bindery that bound the piece; like they just had old Bible's laying around to use as scrap?
- Joshua
- A DOAJ journal published by Fundación MenteClara and a NAR for that body: dedicated to the integration of Tibetan Tantric Buddhism and existential psychotherapy
- Lisa Robinson reviewed new headings of interest on the latest LC monthly report
- Krises
- Changed from: Daggers, Malay
- Villains
- 680: "Here are entered works on characters in literature, motion pictures, etc., whose evil motives or actions form an important plot element."
- As opposed to: Supervillains, w/ 680: "Here are entered works about fictional villains who possess abilities beyond those of normal human beings."
- Heroes / Superheroes parallel this
- Occupational segregation
- "Here are entered works on concentrating particular demographic groups in certain economic sectors or occupations."
- Emojis
- Soju
- A Korean liquor
- Pierogi
- No longer a 450 on Piroshki, now its own heading
- Cryptocurrency
- Krises
- Exhibition posters
- Transgender films: films about the transgender experience
- Legal comics: comics that feature the practice of law
- Tim
- Can consult with other catalogers if anyone has
- Should be final by end of 2018
- Attended LC pre conference on proposing new classification numbers
- CCDA — some discussion about future directions, considering focus on application profiles within RDA
- RDA beta Toolkit is very very beta!
- It will be up to individual communities to decide when to adopt this new revision
- DCRM policy statements will be added after final version
- Lots more examples coming
- Nicole
- Focusing on core ontology, relying on communities of practice to develop additional vocabs
- Working with vendors to think about ILS systems that can use BF data
- Internal search of BF dataset already operational
- Editor profiles customized by type of material
- Hope by MW to have draft realignment plan ready
- OLAC concerned about cost of new Toolkit
- Bibframe
- Potential merger of ALCTS, LITA, and LLAMA
- Joshua
- Hope that alternate labels option which linked data environment makes possible will resolve some of the many issues here
- Forms ppl can submit information through
- BTAA talking about similar model
- Potential for Ivy League school involvement
- Session on past, present, future of non Latin script materials cataloging and encoding
- Violet Fox —> creation of cataloginglab.org tool
- CCP project being renewed, some requirements changing/easing to become more informal
- Contributing to CONSER project of creating full level serial records for titles in online Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
- Problem example: conflicting title in issues of one work, had to do research to straighten out
- Rovi problems
- Doing a lot of recataloging
- Gift of film soundtracks
- Made a pass through T Loc H
- Gov docs going to remote storage
- Manuscript collection
- Can’t catalog with piece in hand, so dealing with Issue of relying on incomplete existing descriptions
- International gov doc serials going out to Remote
- Backlog of gov docs serials
- Tricky issues with title changes, linking, working with Acq end of things sometimes to resolve problems
- Cataloging documentation
- SPC and T Loc H materials
- Bound-with problems
- Differentiation of “The Romany” identity, even made NAR for a dog!
- Finished almost 200 Tanzanian Swahili videos
- A small pile of videos from Guinea
- How to provide subject access?
- Films made everywhere
- Dubbed in variety of languages with no subtitles
- Rovi DVD multi disc set of operas
- No packaging! Had to watch credits and such to catalog correctly
- Cataloged new subscription to Live From the Met
- Garden variety new map acquisitions
- Coming up: Soviet military maps of Great Lakes region
- Lockwood cookbooks — different printings or different editions? Difficult determinations sometimes
- Encountered an opinionated 520 summary note in a record for a Brer Rabbit work
- Revising/enhancing subject access and print finding aids for collections that have to do with the Land Grant act
- Qualifying personal names in NARs (Lucas)
- Change in series tracing policy (Autumn)
- historical practice of tracing/tracking numbered series titles has changed
- going forward, untraced titles in a 490 0_ are acceptable for all series, numbered or unnumbered
- see new procedures on the Series authorities and series tracing page
- Backlog of 1660 ETDs completed!
- These piled up during transition from SkyRiver to OCLC
- More ETDs in catalog now as brief records and will require cataloging, but we're not going to do them immediately
- Some issues need to be resolved between Graduate Office and MSU Libraries concerning third-party search parameters that authors stipulate upon submission of their dissertation
- Report from PCC OpCO meetings
- LC emphasized that their resources and staffing are strained
- Thinking about ways to involve more libraries in cooperative cataloging work, lower thresholds
- Survey is out to collect input from cataloging community
- RDA Steering Committee is overseeing alignment of RDA with new Library Reference Model
- Some members of RSC adamant that RDA numbering be removed; some disruption to project expected around this issue
- Intended to allow other libraries to experiment with linked data production workflows
- Will be carried out with new Mellon grant just awarded
- Looking to clean up remaining 260 fields in WorldCat records
- Hoping to eliminate alphabetical codes for encoding levels (I, M, K, etc.) and use only MARC-defined numerical codes
- Some reports from libraries that staff with no NACO training learned ISNI process and interfaces more easily than NACO-trained catalogers
- Increasing awareness that NACO or some alternative needs a lower threshold for participation
- Also increased consideration of protecting privacy of people described in NACO records
- Unverified call numbers for literary authors can now be added to 053 with local MARC code (MiEM)
- Rundown of proposal review process, emphasizing lack of staff and volume of work
- Joshua believes from this that PCC participant libraries should reimagine current process and contribute suggestions for change
- Carla Hayden receiving quarterly updates from BIBFRAME project
- Non-Latin characters in BIBFRAME cataloging will necessitate changes existing policies and systems concerning character rendering
- Editor with profiles and converted LC dataset to be released at Annual
- Definitive declaration of BIBFRAME as MARC successor planned at ALA Annual
- LC will ask for funding to support BIBFRAME going forward
- Working on strategic directions, membership and participation requirements, etc.
- Ongoing conversations about discontinuing use of ISBD punctuation
- RDA 3R project
- PCC and LD4P collaborating on linked data sandbox tool
- ISNI pilot