08-15-18 (Agenda)
- Item 2
- Item 3TS Goals & Objectives update https://lib.msu.edu/techservices/goals-objectives/
- "Peter Berg" in our procedures
- TS Retiree's in our procedures
- More thoughts about draft minutes on Confluence.
Action items
- Action 1
- Action 2
- Action 3
- Access to test server almost restored
- Will require two separate Sierra icons on each individual machine
- Will need to decide which staff need access and request Systems help for installations
- catalogers need access to resolve overlay errors
- team managers
- Lyudmila, Kim W., Lisa E., Anne E.
- Off-campus access will require VPN
- Dao working to ensure IT populates test with old catalog data
- we know we need data back to at least June 2016 so Acq. can complete check-in card error resolution project
- after that is complete, we can revisit question of appropriate time window for test server data
- Search engine indexing of TSTM Confluence space
- group has no huge concerns about TSTM notes being indexed
- will take back to Kay for decision
- Round robin
- Joshua
- testing of re-indexed database underway
- report expected in a few weeks
- Don
- new workflow to process cataloged but unprocessed Rovi items and retain packaging
- Lisa S.
- Heui’s Huei’s replacement starting Aug 7
- Dao
- away for next couple of weeks, back on the 17th
- Ranti
- Upcoming project with Heidi and Anne Swan looking at documenting accessibility in our e-resoruces resources management for e-resource records and databases
- Working with Jonah to purchase games and books about games for CAL, desired for teaching/research; how should these enter cataloging/processing workflow, what circulation approach will be taken, and what procedures do we need to write up?
- Autumn
- reminder: due Aug 31, more frequent doctors appts in coming weeks
- Backstage project
- Confluence documentation
- Lisa R
- struggling to accomplish everything without Sue
- creation of local authority file for Rovi band names, involvement with Project Passage
- Lee S.
- wrapping up final steps of fiscal close
- out week of Aug 6
- Joshua
- Update on uniform time reporting idea
- white boards not an option because of marker dust on fabric
- other things to consider
- paper notepads, pins
- doors for cubicles would allow mounting whiteboards
- Confluence location for TS minutes (Autumn)
- switching to maintaining TSTM notes in Confluence
- keeping space publicly viewable for lib staff, but not posting link to space anywhere except intranet
- check on web crawling!
- Feedback Kay can share with incoming director Joe Salem
- for instance, Kay assumes we’d like to maintain current pro dev profession development funding levels
- anything else?
- maintain 7a-7p working hrs
- prox card entry to TS instead of keys?
- dearth of language expertise in cataloging across the field, possibility of hiring someone with advanced degrees but no MLIS
- would like to retain “Technical Services” name
- commitment to cataloging at full levels and national cooperative cataloging
- commitment to continued authority control and identity management
- Kay would like a hosted ILS to prevent further delays of implementation or fixes as a result of dependency on university ITS
- keep thinking, send other thoughts Kay’s way
- Interesting thoughts from ALA
- Tad (RBMS preconference)
- helped lead discussion group for newer professionals seeking full time work
- learned a lot about other institutions’ projects, especially around underrepresented groups and collections
- Smith College — $5000 a year set aside, let class groups propose purchase of certain materials
- Emily
- RDA Forum
- numbering issue still controversial
- spring 2019 as potential launch
- did a lot w ALCTS, upcoming realignment discussion and survey results
- working groups looking at budget/finance and communication/planning
- report planned for Midwinter
- discussions about possible LITA/ALCTS forum instead of Midwinter
- RDA Forum
- Ranti
- LITA perspective on realignment
- some discussions about the differences between LITA’s flat structure as opposed to ALCTS’ sections and committees at different levels
- session on presenting digital collections
- noticing other institutions have metadata folks really enmeshed within traditional cataloging units instead of highly separate roles and units like we do
- LITA perspective on realignment
- Tim
- whenever beta Toolkit is launched, groups like PCC will have to decide on individual basis when/how to adopt (and also will need to tackle revision of policy statements)
- preconference on proposing new LC classification numbers
- some questions about success of proposals if related only to retrospective projects?
- Lucas
- heard suggestion for returning Midwinter to business meetings only, no programming
- MARC Advisory Committee meeting; passed two proposals related to accessibility
- 041 for AV materials; also 341 and 342
- PCC discussion about use of $2 in 1XX and 7XX to indicate source of identifier (would aid with reconciliation)
- British Lib opposed because identity management shouldn’t make use of preferred strings
- LC presentation on non-Latin scripts in BF descriptions
- U of Fla used vendor to apply JSTOR subject vocabs to resources via machine learning processes
- U of Fla including articles by their own faculty from open access journals in institutional repository—getting metadata from Elsevier; accepted manuscripts next on the list
- AI lab by U of Rhode Island
- lab set up with College of Engineering; AI being used for abstracting and indexing, feature detection and content extraction
- Dao
- heard Innovative is investing $25m in software development
- lots of discussion about data privacy, security, with some discussion about the impact of GDPR
- increased usage of KBART in knowledge bases
- Syndetic Solutions purchased by ProQuest, new enhancements added to product as Syndetics Unbound
- Joshua
- cataloging lab by Violet Fox
- tackling changes to LCSH in a collective way
- BTAA thinking about collective proposals also
- trying to resolve issue with OCLC WCP sending us minimal records, but with call numbers pulled from more desirable full level records
- cataloging lab by Violet Fox
- Lee
- BTAA trying to resolve issue of rising costs with Kanopy’s PDA service; meeting some resistance from their executive leadership, who doesn’t want to work with consortiums
- three libraries preparing to go live with Folio
- updates coming to issn.org
- Kay
- presentation on implementing meditation rooms (something we’re thinking about here)
- challenges with naming them!
- location of restrooms a factor (washing feet)
- Duke has two rooms — one for prayer/reflection, one for wellbeing (stuff like yoga, etc)
- presentation on implementing meditation rooms (something we’re thinking about here)
- Tad (RBMS preconference)
- Re-indexing done. Time to check results.
- Joshua suggests taking spreadsheet and divvying up among TSTM to test
- Joshua suggests taking spreadsheet and divvying up among TSTM to test