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08-15-18 (Agenda)
Present: Kay, Joshua, Don, Autumn,, Ranti, Lisa S., Lee
Regrets: Dao, LIsa R.
- TS Goals & Objectives update https://lib.msu.edu/techservices/goals-objectives/
- "Peter Berg" in our procedures
- TS Retiree's in our procedures
- More thoughts about draft minutes on Confluence.
Action items
- Action 1
- Action 2
- Action 3
- Decision 1
- Decision 2
- Decision 3
Present: Joshua, Don, Autumn, Dao, Ranti, Lisa S., Lee, Lisa R.
- The new Confluence space for meeting notes looks good; we will use it going forward
- Instead of emailing drafts of minutes to other attendees and asking for edits, notes will instead be reviewed and approved at the beginning of each meeting