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Summary: Instructions for cataloging the Children's and YA Literature Collection materials. Anchor top top
Table of Contents | ||||
Create custom call number
- Determine sublocation
- Consult chart below
- Insert custom call number in the 099 field
- C-tag the 099 and y-tag any other call numbers present in the record
Biographies involve some extra steps. This is necessary because of the case-by-case approach needed for biographies of individuals known only by one name or an honorific, as well as collective biographies. See more details here: [link to come]
For any biography, catalogers will need to distinguish between individual and collective biographies to determine the call number. Contact Elizabeth Webster with any questions.
Warning |
For books being cataloged as part of the 2020-2021 reclassification project, the 099 should be y-tagged (a global update will be made when reclass/relabel/reshelve efforts are complete). See details here: Children's literature reclass |
Collection | Subloc code | 099 | Example |
Fiction Children's | mnjfc | $f FC $a [Author last name] | 099__|fFC|aFaulkner |
Fiction Middle Grade | mnjfm | $f FMG $a[Author last name] | 099__|fFMG|aBarton |
Fiction YA | mnjfy | $f FYA $a [Author last name] | 099__|fFYA|aRowell |
Nonfiction Children's | mnjnc | $f NFC $a [Dewey #] [Author last name] | 099__|fNFC|a338.96 Illman |
Nonfiction YA | mnjny | $f NFYA $a [Dewey #] [Author last name] | 099__|fNFYA|a618.10 Barnes |
Graphic Novels | mnjgn | $f GN $a [Author last name] | 099__|fGN|aDepoorter |
Poetry/Verse | mnjpv | $f POETRY $a [Author last name] | 099__|fPOETRY|aWong |
Biography | mnjbg | $f BIO $a [Biographee last name, first initial] | 099__|fBIO|aAndrews T |
$f BIO $a GROUP [Author last name] | 099__|fBIO|a GROUP Rue |
For Dewey numbers:
- Many copy records already include a Dewey number in the 082
- Otherwise, use the OCLC Classification service:
- Numbers should not expand beyond 2 digits after the decimal (just delete any extra digits)
- Forward any issues to Autumn
Add series note, GFT, & Sierra bib location
- Series note = 830 #0 MSU Children's & YA Literature Collection. $5 MiEM
- Potential GFT to apply include:
- 655_7 Picture books. $2 lcgft
- 655_7 Poetry. $2 lcgft
- 655_7 Graphic novels. $2 lcgft
- 655_7 Biographies. $2 lcgft
Info |
Subject headings may often be coded 650 #1 or 650 #7 for special vocabularies. All subject headings (except ones that look obviously incorrect) are ok to accept, even if they look repetitive or appear in Spanish. |
- After export:
- add mnjuv as an additional location in the bib record in Sierra
- although 5-letter codes are not usually used in bib records, one is used for this collection because it facilitates a scoped search in the public catalog; thus, the bib should contain both mn and mnjuv in its location field (per Dao, 2018)
- Adds for LoM and Law
- label as Copy 1
- perform all steps above, but insert the 099 in the item rather than the bib
- Adds to MSU locations
- if same call number, label as Copy 2
- if different, label as Copy 1
- perform all steps above, but insert the 099 in the item rather than the bib
- Call number & label formatting:
- Call numbers may still be written on the inside corner for hardcover books with dust jackets.
Call number formatting examples:
Panel borderWidth 2 borderStyle solid title Call number formatting examples 099__|fFC|aFaulkner =
Faulkner099__|fNFC|a338.96 Illman =
Illman099__|fBIO|aAndrews T =
Andrews T
- Leave dust jackets on.
- Place on Children's Literature shelf in CatMan area.
- If item has supplemental material, handle via normal workflows
- accompanying CDs or DVDs go to DMC, etc.
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