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CMS 2021.09.21
FOLIO CMTF updates
Holdings statements for serials & multiparts:
Non-serial multipart holding statements recorded in bib record in Sierra mapping; migrating these to FOLIO will be non-exact.
Working plan: migrate all 86Xs from bib to all FOLIO holdings records; do post-migration clean up
Meeting with EDS catalog team confirmed that 86Xs from bib can be mapped to “note” fields in EDS to make sure they display there
Continuing to work on holdings/item mapping (Sierra data to FOLIO)
FOLIO test migration still in the works, informed by meetings with EBSCO reps
Won’t properly address multilinked item records (e.g. bound-withs)
Once test migration is loaded, EDS test custom catalog will be rolled out
Selections from Round Robin
Autumn has volunteered for FOLIO Bulk Edit Working Group, to help develop a pilot for bulk/batch editing in various FOLIO apps
Lisa Robinson: Deletion of HathiTrust records has begun; creating blind headings in authority file that her team is working to remove; believes that headings marked as blind will have to be checked manually because of unreliability of Sierra blind headings report
Joshua: zine cataloged as serial, but chronological designations set in the future, Popular Pandemics. See OCLC# 1196095574
CMS 2021.09.07
FOLIO CMTF updates
Weekly updates will now be forthcoming from Shawn on the steps being taken by each TF
Holdings & Item mapping is ongoing in CMTF
This is the work CMTF is doing to map Sierra checkin and item record data to FOLIO Holdings and Item record fields.
Checkin records in Sierra are not directly analogous to Holdings records in FOLIO because checkin records in Sierra only exist for certain continuing resources like serials, while FOLIO will have a Holdings record for everything.
Also new-to-us in FOLIO: an imposed hierarchy between Instance, Holdings and Item record - in that order. In Sierra, on the other hand, there is no hierarchical relationship between checkin and item records.
This mapping works has required conversations across the library where stakeholders are implicated beyond Tech Services for the various Sierra-specific fields (e.g. Circulation, Conservation, Binding, etc.)
Test migrations of our data to our FOLIO test tenant will continue, with the next one happening around mid-September
Will be based on the bib record-to-Instance mapping already done and the Holdings/Items mapping in its current state (though it is still a work in progress)
The test migration will result in a fresh migration report from EBSCO that CMTF will use to assess cleanup needs, etc.
It will also set the stage for a test version of our EDS Custom Catalog: the subset of EDS that will contain roughly what the Sierra OPAC provides access to now.
Outstanding questions about serials holdings and holdings statements for non-serial multipart resources to be addressed on Sept. 13 to inform this test migration.
Acquisitions TF and CMTF continuing conversations on managing T-Locs
Goal is to create location codes for each T-loc in FOLIO and track dates items are entered into T-loc in a custom FOLIO item note type: “T-loc date note”.
There is a scanned “stockpile” of T-loc H that’s kind of in stasis on the regular T-loc shelves. Work is ongoing to create ways to catalog scans of these as WFH. They are clearly marked on the shelves in the meantime.
Selections from Round Robin
Project underway between Autumn’s team and Elizabeth Webster to change classification of Children’s Lit collection: a local classification akin to what might be seen in a public library, greater breakdown by genres, all meant to meet needs of students using the collection.
Connexion 3.0 has been released by OCLC, but not being rolled out just yet, locally. If you do end up getting updated by Systems, it should be fine, but we’ll make a larger sweep yet this semester to get everyone updated.
Home computers operating Connexion will ultimately need to be updated, too.
Latest Backstage processing resulted in duplicate fields in Sierra: the 3XXs and 255.
Lisa Robinson has fixed the faculty books first because of upcoming reception.
Fortunately, we only sent 3.5k records, so it was a relatively small batch.
Concentration camps heading and related terms have all had maintenance completed by Lisa Robinson, per changes in LCSH. Subdivisions have not been changed by LC yet, so those remain.