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TS Council 12-


05-18 (AGENDA)

Present: Joshua, Tad, Don, Autumn, Dao, Kay, Ranti, Tim, Lucas, Emily, Nicole, Lisa S., Lee, Lisa R., Brooke, Don T. 



  • Approval of Approve minutes from 11-728-18 minutes.Discussion of LC subject terms such as “Illegal Aliens” in the catalog. What are the workflow consequences for going against an LC heading?  Is there room for compromisemeeting
  • What happens if we can't stay current in URI maintenance?  Is it still useful using our current forecast of the future? How does their usefulness rank compared to current authority headings?
  • Update on where we are with headings "Aliens" and "Illegal Aliens" which have been approved to change provided it can be mostly automated.
  • Any announcements?

Action items

  •  Action 1
  •  Action 2
  •  Action 3


  • Decision 1
  • Decision 2
  • Decision 3

TS Managers 11-28-18

Present: Joshua, Don, Dao, Kay, Ranti (notes), Lee, Lisa R., Brooke

Regrets: Autumn, Lisa S.


  • Approved 11-7-18 minutes.
  • New Rovi DVD’s and OCLC holdings. 
    • We have many boxes of new Rovi DVDs in Remote to be processed. Lucas's script will obtain copy from WorldCat and attach OCLC holdings for most of these as we work on them.
    • Discussed the method of attaching OCLC holdings and obtaining OCLC numbers for records Lucas's script doesn't obtain from WorldCat.
    • Will pursue batch loading of these records into WorldCat through a local process.
  • Discussion of LC subject terms such as “Illegal Aliens” in the catalog.  What are the workflow consequences for going against an LC heading.  Is there room for compromise?
    • Library of Congress has not implemented the changes due to Congress' objection. Joshua proposed we go ahead and adopt the change, because all the necessary formalities to implement the changes are already in place. We can do this for items already in the catalog by doing a global change. Note: we can’t always prevent new ones coming from copy cataloging, vendor record loads, and/or shelf-ready items. A regular checking to find the old subjects and replace them with the new ones would need to be done, preferably in some automatic fashion. 
      • Aliens would become: Noncitizens;
      • Illegal Aliens would become: Noncitizens + Unauthorized immigration.
    • TS Managers agreed to proceed. Law Library supports the change. Kay will bring this to EC for discussion and Library of Michigan.
  • Any questions that we need to address before Lee’s departure as it relates to your unit?
    • Kay will step in as temporary Fiscal Officer. Other responsibilities needs to be delegated to different staff for the time being.
  • Round robin
    • We will proceed with adding accessibility information on ERM records, barring the completion of the requested new ERM fields by III.

TS Council 11-7-18

Present: Joshua, Emily, Don, Dao (Notes), Kay, Tim, Lucas, Emily, Nicole, Lisa S., Lee, Lisa R. Lucas
