Present: Joshua, Don, Autumn, Dao, Kay, Ranti, Tim, Lucas, Emily, Nicole, Lisa S., Lee, Lisa R. (notes)
Regrets: Lee
- Approved the minutes from the 11-28-18 meeting.
- What happens if we can't stay current in URI maintenance? Is it still useful using our current forecast of the future? How does their usefulness rank compared to current authority headings?
- URI maintenance is not an automated task; changes to URIs still need to be made manually (although at times can be made in batches using Global Update). We are backlogged with this work since Sue’s position was unfilled for 5 months.
- We have kept current with maintaining the URIs for headings when the text string and URI both change, but not with the new URIs that should be added to old headings.
- The time spent updating URIs could be used for other work, such as changing offensive headings (“Illegal aliens”).
- Linked data work has slowed down, secondary assignments have been reassigned.
- The Repo Team is using URIs from catalog records:
- LC URIs from catalog records are carried over to Repo MODS records. These LC URIs are used in two different features in Repo production environment: 1) JSON-LD, and 2) subject knowledge cards. When no corresponding FAST URIs available, LC URIs in MODS records are used for matching to Wikidata for the knowledge card feature. Repo Team also working with Dao to create a similar knowledge card feature for the OPAC.
- Ranti reported that there is also a proposed Comics project that may use URIs from catalog records.
- Will a system migration afford us an opportunity to redo our URIs? There’s may be some linked data tools in ALMA that will help with creating URIs, but we don’t know enough about other library systems yet.
- We could use MarcEdit to update URIs, but this would require regularly extracting and re-loading large numbers of catalog records, which doesn’t seem feasible given current staffing.
- We will keep the URIs we have now and continue to have URIs added to our catalog records by Backstage, but will not try to maintain them going forward.
- Update on where we are with headings "Aliens" and "Illegal Aliens" which have been approved to change provided it can be mostly automated.
- The initial change can be made with several Global Updates, but ongoing monthly work will be needed to keep these terms from coming in from shelf-ready and record loads.
- There are 8 related authority records for” Illegal Aliens” (e.g. “Children of illegal aliens”) and 51 related authority records for Aliens (e.g. “Church work with aliens”). The LC document about the proposed changes does not outline how LC planned to handle these related headings.
- It is not clear how LC’s proposal to add “Unauthorized immigration” as a second heading for “Illegal aliens” will work with subdivided terms (e.g. “Illegal aliens—Services for” doesn’t work when changed to “Unauthorized immigration—Services for”).
- Joshua will form a task group to consider how we should proceed with the related authority records and subdivided headings.
- We will begin by changing the lone headings “Illegal aliens” and “Aliens” to “Noncitizens.”
- What happens if we can't stay current in URI maintenance? Is it still useful using our current forecast of the future? How does their usefulness rank compared to current authority headings?
- Announcements?
- Lee’s last day is this Friday.
- Kay, Dao, & Nicole is going to the MiALA workshop on Friday.
- Kay is making progress to become a fiscal officer again.