19 (DRAFT)
Present: Joshua, Don, Autumn, Dao, Kay, Ranti, Lisa S., Lee, Lisa R., Brooke, Don T.
- Item 1
- Item 2
- Item 3
- Approve TS Council minutes from 7-10-19
- Discuss "what a system "must" do"
Action items
- Action 1
- Action 2
- Action 3
- Decision 1
- Decision 2
- Decision 3
07-10-19 TS Council
Present: Joshua, Tim, Dao, Don, Autumn, Nicole, Lisa S., Ed, Ranti, Lisa R
Regrets: Kay, Emily, Lucas
Round robin
- Joshua
- Report for Lisa R.: remaining changes to headings referencing "Illegal aliens" or "aliens" have been made (582 records); any such terms that come in in copy records will be programmatically changed
- ALA report:
- Talk from Univ of Wyoming about inserting jpegs into Sierra records for display of thumbnails in public catalog; could we use Millennium Media Manager feature to do the same? Could be useful for certain types of cataloging, like the kits and objects Janet is currently handling.
- TJ Kao of GW Univ presentation about workarounds in Alma for item-level description of rare materials
- Cataloging ethics discussion group; vendor participant brought info about market pressure to include metadata that privileges discovery of certain resources in discovery layer products
- Intern Michael Sipek doing great work on Japanese comics
- Tim
- Open house at LC Geography and Maps
- Concluded two year term on group with very long name; starting chair term of other group with very long name
- Attended 7.5 hours of CC:DA meetings – will share details with CMS group at next meeting
- Toolkit planned to be finalized in early part of 2020, but Tim feels this is too optimistic
- Kate James from LC presented on non-human personages; new RDA does not accommodate these, so LC is proposing a workaround; more details will be shared at CMS meeting
- Dao
- Ongoing work with test server
- Many issues surrounding campus security and pushing this project through IT
- Innovative restored the test server but problems still arose with updating/adding records
- Can at least view records up to July 2018; later records may or may not be corrupted
- Dao will send instructions for accessing the newly restored test server
- Ongoing work with test server
- Ranti
- ALA: Attended several talks about organizational culture, with topics like inclusion, using privilege to make library environments more equitable, etc.
- Record loads for Serials Solutions, catching up with troubleshooting, record cleaning
- Don
- Lots of labeling trucks waiting! Working on keeping up with those
- Nicole
- Note about Sinopia: you really need to know RDA really well to use it!
- A lot of linked data activity seems to be really focused now on Wikidata; OCLC and LC are starting to cross pollinate databases
- MarcEdit talks: reminder that the tool is internationally focused
- Submitting terms to LCDGT still on hold
- Cataloger's Desktop password requirements will be made less onerous
- ClassWeb update coming Summer/Fall 2019; macros will be built in, and submitting proposals for new subject headings will have a streamlined interface
- Beginning BIBCO review! Focused on graphic materials; will be one of the few experts in this area.
- Lisa S.
- Just finished fiscal year invoices; closing went ok, second closing coming up soon (for any final corrections)
- Back to business as usual
- Submitted detailed financial reports to Comptroller's Office as required
- Ed
- His first meeting!
- Still learning; assisted with report submission
- Taking Fundamentals of Acquisitions ALCTS online course
- Lisa R.
- Unit is up to date on blind headings report! Working towards this for some while
- Mark Andrews has joined the team and is working very quickly
- Learned that Rice Univ is going to Alma on August 1; Brown Univ just transitioned
- Cornell working on a tool that queries multiple authority sources to accomplish authority control in a BIBFRAME environment (including Discogs!)
- LC Policy and Standards Division has merged with COIN to become the Policy, Training, and Cooperative Programs Division (PTCP)
- Unit is up to date on blind headings report! Working towards this for some while
Other announcements
- Reference Kay's emails for details about her ALA report and the upcoming RFP process
- Tornado drills coming up next week; 1:30pm for 1st floor on July 16 (also occurring during CMS meeting on 3rd floor, which we can ignore)
Present: Joshua, Don, Autumn, Dao, Kay, Lisa S. (notes)