Access to building and materials
Library resources cannot be removed from the building.
Scanning for cataloging purposes is being handled by Text Management when student work hours permitShifts for necessary in-building work will be planned in advance by TS team managers.
Quick visits to work spaces (to pick up personal items, drop off paperwork, etc.) are still acceptable. Please let your manager know if you plan to be in longer than a brief visit so your time can be coordinated around other shifts and safe distances maintained.
Library resources cannot be removed from the building.
Scanning for cataloging purposes is being handled by Text Management when student work hours permit.
For building entry:
Building entry is permitted from 8am to 5pm at the Red Cedar entrance.
Masks are required.
Complete the online health screening form shortly before you come in, per Ingham County Health Department requirements: Coronavirus Disease (Covid-19) Workplace Health Screening