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Summary: Procedure details the creation and maintenance of local holding records (LHRs) for serial titles via OCLC WorldShare Records Manager. LHRs attach to bibliographic records in the OCLC database and display in WorldCat. Maintaining our LHRs allow other libraries to see our holdings in order to facilitate interlibrary loan and cooperative collection development. 


Connexion browser was discontinued on 30 April 2024. LHRs must now be created using OCLC's WorldShare Record Manager. 

Table of Contents

Accessing and Searching OCLC's Record Manager

  • Navigate to MSU's instance of OCLC's Record Manager (requires an active login. Contact your supervisor with any questions).

  • Once logged in, select 'Michigan State University Libraries' inside modal pop-up and click 'Ok.'

  • In the upper-left-hand corner, click on 'Metadata.'

  • Click on 'Record Manager.'
  • Under 'Index,' select 'OCLC Number' from the dropdown menu to navigate to the record to edit or create its LHR.

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Creating a New LHR

  • Search results should show a summary of the bib record. To create an LHR for a bib record, the summary should say "Held by my library," but not have any existing LHRs listed (unless you are adding an LHR for a second location). 
  • Clicking on the hyper-linked title opens up the editor.
  • There are a number of dropdown menus along the top of the editor page. Click on 'Record.'
  • From the 'Record' dropdown menu, highlight 'LHR' and select 'Derive LHR.' This opens the LHR editor.
  • You may edit the LHR at this point or chose to use LHR constant data.

Apply LHR constant data

  • To prevent having to enter the same information repeatedly, one can choose to apply pre-created constant data (CD). 
  • When in the LHR editor click on the 'Record' dropdown menu and highlight "LHR Constant Data' then click on 'Apply and preview constant data.'
  • From the dropdown menu called 'Constant Data Record Name' select the constant data (CD) which best applies to the situation at hand (ex. SPC LHR 866).
  • Click on the 'Apply Constant Data' blue button.


  • Enter summary holdings for the institution (first levels of enumeration and chronology only) following ANSI/NISO Z39.71 standards.
  • As long as MSU owns at least one issue of a volume, record it as if we have the whole volume in the summary (exception: if the staff member has to do extensive work to summarize the holdings, record as detailed). Ex: we own volumes 1-volume 3, but are missing an issue from volume 4, summarize as: v.1-v.4, because we own part of volume 4 so we represent that. If we're missing an entire volume, record the break. Ex: we're missing volume 3, but own 1, 2, and 4, summarize as: v.1-v.2, v.4.
  • Use commas for gaps in holdings and semi-colons for non-gap breaks, ex. 1998, 2000-2004, 2006  (the library doesn't own 1999 or 2005, but they were published)
  • Convert ordinal numbers to cardinal numbers, ex. 1st ed. should be rendered as ed. 1
  • More examples: 
    • v. 1(2005)-
    • v. 1(1991)-v.3(1993), v. 5(1995)-
    • ed. 1(2001)-ed.10(2008)
    • 1999- [no parentheses when there is no enumeration present]
    • 1998 ; 2000 [1999 was never published]
    • Retains latest edition
    • Retained until replaced by microfilm 


  • Type of record = y serial item
  • Encoding level - record the level of holdings recorded in the 866. For most MSU things, this will be a level of 4.
    • 2 for level 2 (latest ed(s) or yr(s) only)
    • 3 for level 3 (summary holdings)
    • 4 for level 4 (detailed holdings) 
    • m for mixed level holdings 

007 Physical Description Fixed Field

  • Not required. It is acceptable to leave the default of z-unspecified and u-unspecified.
  • However, the cataloger may choose to fill in the appropriate bytes.
    • ta = text, regular print
    • hd = microfilm
    • he = microfiche

008 Fixed-Length Data Elements

  • The R/A Stat (008/06 Method of receipt or

  • acquisitions)

    • 2

    • = Received and complete or ceased. Used for

    • ceased or title change serials where date status in bib is 'd' and second date in bib is not open.

    • 3 = On order

    • 4

    • = Currently received. Used when title is on standing order with open holdings.

    • 5

    • = Not currently received. Used for titles not ceased

, but local holdings are closed.008/07 Method of acquisitionsUse value of (u) for unknown.
    • but cancelled locally.

  • Lending Policy - use b for Special Collection items and a or u for all else, unless otherwise specified by the selector or a manager.

    • a = will lend

    • b = will not lend

    • c = will lend hard copy only

    • l = limited lending policy

    • u = unknown

  • Reproduction Policy - use u (unknown) locally unless otherwise specified by the selector or a manager.

    • a = will reproduce

    • b = will not reproduce

    • u = unknown

852 Location Codes

  • OCLC Record Manager automatically populates the 852 field with the call number from the bibliographic record. Be sure to double check the information matches what is present in FOLIO.
  • Each location gets a separate LHR. If there are copies of a title in Main and Turfgrass, for example, the title will require two separate LHRs. 
  • For multiple copies in the same location, each copy number needs its own LHR. The copy number is recorded in the 852 $t.
    • ex. 852 0# EEM $b EEMR $h DT470 $i .W47 $t c.2
  • LHRs use the $ symbol as delimiters. There should be a space between delimiters and the information contained in the subfield.
    • ex. 852 0# EEM $b EEMR $h DT470 $i .W47
  • The first code (in $a, although the $a is assumed and not displayed) should be EEM (for MSUL)
    • ex. 852 0# EEM $b EEMR $h DT470 $i .W47
  • The code in $b should match the 049 OCLC code in the bib record (ex. EEMR or EEMJ)
    • ex. 852 0# EEM $b EEMJ $h PN4836 $i S63
  • The call number from 050/090/099 is recorded as a part of the 852. The class number (ex. DT 470) is recorded in a $h. The cutter is recorded in a $i (ex. $h P1.A1 $i L36).
    • ex. 852 0# EEM $b EEMJ $h PN4836 $i S63
  • 852s with LC call numbers have a 0 first indicator. 852s with Gov docs call number have a first indicator of 3. All other non-LC formatted call numbers have no indicators.
    • LC ex. 852 0# EEM $b EEMR $h DT470 $i .W47 
    • Gov Doc ex. 852 3# EEM $b EEN1 $h NS 1.40/2: 
    • non-LC formatted call number ex. 852 ## EEM $b EEM= $h 29043 Microfilm
  • Public notes, such as temporary location notes such as, "Recent unbound issues in CURRENT PERIODICALS 2W" go in a $z.
    • ex. 852 0# EEM $b EEMR $h DT470 $i .W47 $z Recent unbound issues in PERIODICAL STORAGE, BASEMENT W
  • Call number suffixes, such as CD-ROM, go in a $m when using LC formatted (050/090) call numbers.
    • ex. 852 0# EEM $b QEMI $h SB599 $i .B45 $m CD-ROM
  • Call number prefixes, such as folio, go in a $k when using LC formatted (050/090) call numbers.Examples
  • 852 0# EEM $b EEMR $h DT470 $i .W47
  • 852 0# EEM $b EEMJ $h PN4836 $i S63
  • 852 0# EEM $b QEMI $h SB599 $i .
      B45 $m CD-ROM
    • 852 0# EEM $b EEMJ $k folio $h TX359 $i .J67
    • 852 ## EEM $b EEM= $h 29043 Microfilm

856 Electronic Access Field 

  • If present in LHR, delete.


85Xs/86Xs Pair Holding Fields - Prior to 30 July 2022, MSU used paired 85X/86X fields to record holdings data. Going forward, MSUL will only use textual holdings recorded in an 866 in LHRs and in FOLIO holdings within FOLIO.

866 Textual Holdings Field

  • Holdings information recorded in the LHR's 866 (or in the 867 or 868 fields for supplements and indexes) should match the information coded by the cataloger in the FOLIO Inventory Holding Record and use properly formatted using the ANSI/NISO Z39.71-2006 standard.
  • $8 and $a must be present for the LHR to be validated. 
  • You must delete any excess fields in order to validate the LHR. To delete excess fields, click the red button to the right-side of the screen (and click the green plus button to add fields).
  • There must be space between the indicators (before and after) and the information contained within (i.e., $a v.2(2024) and not $av.2(2024))

After the work on the new LHR is done, click on 'Save' to add the LHR to the bibliographic record. The system will validate the record or inform you of needed changes in red. Make any necessary corrections to the LHR and click 'Save' again.


To close the LHR editor or any open editor/bib record, click the X next to the labeled tab in the left-hand navigation pane.

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Editing an Existing LHR

See Accessing and Searching OCLC's Record Manager for assistance in logging in and searching for existing LHRs.

  • Search results should show a summary of the bib record. The summary should say "Held by my library" and if an LHR exists for that title already you should also see 'LHR(s): 1 record (or more if the title is in more than one location. Remember, each location requires a different LHR (Turfgrass, Main, Special Collections))
  • Click on the hyperlinked bibliographic record title.
  • Scroll down and click on the pencil in the action column to edit the LHR.
  • This opens the LHR editor.
  • Make the necessary changes to the LHR.
  • To delete excess fields or add additional fields, click the green plus button on the right-hand side of the screen. Select the red minus button to delete a field. 
  • After completing this work, click 'Save' along the top of the LHR.
  • The system will validate the record or inform you of needed changes in red. Make any necessary corrections to the LHR.
  • To close the LHR editor, click the X next to the labeled tab 'Edit LHR (and the LHR number you're editing).

85Xs/86Xs Pair Holding Fields

  • Prior to 30 July 2022, MSU used paired 85X/86X fields to record holdings data. 
  • For more in-depth information on these fields, their indicators, subfields, and punctuation see OCLC Formats for holding data or our local procedures on 85X/86X pairs. 
  • $8 and $a must be present for the LHR to be validated. 
  • If using 853/863 pairs, delete 866 field or LHR will not validate. Same if using 866 instead of 853/863 pairs. Delete excess fields.
  • There must be space between the indicators (before and after) and the information contained within, unlike Sierra where there are no spaces (ex. $8 1.1 $a 1938-1947 as opposed to $81.1$a1938-1947).

Additional assistance using OCLC WorldShare Record Manager, is available on OCLC's website.

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In general, create Local Holding Records (LHRs), or edit existing LHRs, for all physically held MSU serials.

LHRs conform to the MARC 21 format for holdings data (MFHD) and ANSI/NISO Z39.71-2006.

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ContactEmily Sanford or Joshua Barton
UpdatedApril 2017May 2024
CreatedMarch 2018