
Summary: These procedures apply to the copy and original cataloging of serial materials, primarily print. Online serials and integrating resources are on the Nonbook materials menu. Procedures for ordering or processing serials can be found using the serials label.

  • In general, serial copy cataloging is the province of LA IIIs while original cataloging is handled by LA IVs–though both levels do some of each.
  • Acquisitions and Catalog Maintenance may do some cataloging or adding of holdings, as authorized or trained.
  • Usually, materials enter formal cataloging workstreams via Acquisitions, whether the items are purchased or gifted. However, some special groups of materials may be handled on an individual basis; bibliographers should consult Joshua Barton or Emily Sanford
  • Serial titles are cataloged according to the national standards of CONSER, whenever possible.

  • Follow MSUL TS guidelines for local practices (e.g., LDRs, 853/863 holdings, serial streamers, captions)
  • MARC coded fields 853/863 will be use for detailed holdings, if possible, for any newly-cataloged title, regardless whether it is on standing order and regardless whether the publication has ceased. An exception is made for remote-access serials. For serial titles, change the 3rd letter in the 049 field from M to N (e.g., EENR, QENJ).
  • No 510 fields will be deleted from bibliographic records already in the catalog, but we will not add 510 fields to new cataloging.

ContactEmily Sanford or Joshua Barton
UpdatedMarch 2018
CreatedJanuary 2018