Holdings permanent location = [SPC code assigned by selector]
Item record temporary location = sptmp
Status = Unavailable
For serials, both adds and new cataloging, please make additions to this spreadsheet to help with tagging processes.
After cataloging is complete:
Place small or fragile items in provided sleeves/folders as appropriate.
Place cataloged titles on the labeled truck(s) in the Acq closet.
CatMan will temporary temporarily perform the tagging for SPC materials so they can be moved directly to the new stacks on 3 East. The CatMan team has more granular documentation, but the general workflow is:
Run a date-limited search for sptmp items in Bulk Edit
Export results to .csv
Copy/paste required fields into the provided transformation spreadsheet
Spreadsheet will format required data both for tags and Aeon ingest
Cumulative Aeon ingest spreadsheet will be provided to SPC staff at the end of the interim period
Tagged items will be taken to the Reading Room closet by Nicole/Autumn and filed in call number order
See(see below)
Shelf measurements
Head of Cataloging will stay in touch with chair of SPC Interfiling Committee to know when certain call number segments are being shelved
Measurements of cataloged materials in these call number segments will be maintained and provided to the committee as needed (this will allow room to be left for these materials).