Summary: Instructions for cataloging print supplements which often accompany works of a legal nature.
A local treatment approach exists for print supplements to legal works residing in the Law and/or Business Library collections. See this record for an example of such a work. Generally, print supplements to these types of works:
Often share the same title as the original work
Are usually identified by publication year
Contain important legal updates to the original edition of the work
Will often have separate bib records in OCLC, which we do not use
Must be included on the same bib record as the original edition so that patrons are aware of the supplement's existence
Are weeded frequently as new supplements are published
Adding a supplement
If not already present in the bib record, add a 525 note:
525 __ Includes supplements.
Create item record for the supplement with appropriate sublocation
In volume field, enter supplement caption like so:
Suppl. 2018
Do not add ISBNs for the supplements to the bib record; they are withdrawn too frequently.
These works are frequently shared between Law and Business; the usual Shared bib records protocol applies, with the exception of adding the 525 note.