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Collection renewal

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Summary: Procedure details how withdrawls and replacements are dealt with in the case of a damaged piece.

Procedure is out of date and refers to a staff member who is retired.

Each day, patrons and library staff find items needing repair, which are reviewed by staff in Binding Prep and Collections Conservation (Repair). Our finding items in need of repair is the result of patrons checking them out or removing them from shelves, often indicating current demand.

Most are repaired, rebound, or shrink-wrapped for return to the stacks. When an item cannot be repaired, rebound, or shrink-wrapped and it needs to be considered for "collection renewal" - ordering a replacement, preservation photocopying, or discard. Because these items are damaged beyond repair, they fall within the guidelines of permissible withdrawals. If a shrink-wrapped item circulates three times after being shrink-wrapped, it is also moved into the "collection renewal" workflow.

Various steps are performed in Patron Services, Binding Prep, and other Access and Preservation units before anything comes to Catalog Maintenance.


  • Some pieces, with other copies in good condition in the collection, will just be withdrawn. The pieces will be brought to Catalog Maintenance. The appropriate withdrawal steps will be done and the piece will be discarded. Generally, the piece will be in poor condition and not a candidate for the book sale.
  • Material that is a unique copy or the other copies are in poor condition will be withdrawn and information will be provided to Bib Support as the steps in the procedure below are followed.
    1. Catalog Maintenance will receive a pink copy of a catalog print, usually an item record print. The print will have a stamped date of 90 days hence. Catalog Maintenance doesn't do anything about the stamped date.
    2. Catalog Maintenance will withdraw the piece as noted on the pink printout. Unique monograph titles will have the MSU holdings deleted from OCLC.
    3. Serial volume withdrawals will be handled by a team member that processes serial volumes. The appropriate withdrawal work will be done.
    4. When all withdrawal processing is completed for the batch of print printouts, send the batch to Bib Support. Remove the pink printouts for CD, LP,M, or ST call numbers and send them to Fine Arts - Music.


A selector may determine to order another copy of the piece that is in poor condition. This material is often older and copies are difficult to find. Should a selector find one to order, a quick ordering and receiving process has been established. To ensure appropriate processing is done with the orders and the material when it is received, the following steps have been worked out.

  1. The new piece will be ordered as a DO NOT CAT and the selector will be noted as Lil Damer. Noting Lil as the selector means she will receive the piece when it is received.
  2. When Lil receives the DO NOT CAT piece, she will catalog it. After cataloging, Lil will e-mail a copy of the catalog record to Bib. Support and the Head of Access and Preservation and state in the letter that she received the new copy and it is now cataloged. The new piece will be placed on the usual truck to go to labeling for processing.
  3. Bib Support needs to be notified so the piece in poor condition can be discarded. It is already withdrawn in the catalog from the pink printout information that came to the team previously.

ContactDon Depoorter
UpdatedApril 2018
CreatedApril 2018

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