Summary: This procedure defines the scope of temporary location holdings (TLoc H) backlog and lays out searching parameters for copy catalogers
TLoc H stands for Temporary location holdings. Newly received monographs with no copy or inadequate copy (copy lacking essential cataloging elements such as a call number or subject heading) are assigned by catalogers to T-LOC H for an initial 3-month period.
At the end of that 3-month period, another search for the title is done in OCLC Connexion. If complete copy is found, the title is cataloged or transferred to the appropriate copy cataloging workflow. If copy is still lacking or inadequate, the book is reassigned to TLoc H for another 3-month period.
Entry dates and searching are marked on each title’s streamer to accomplish this tracking.
Searching parameters
Books should be searched at least once within 3 months of being added to TLoc H. The date added can be determined by the earliest date on each item’s streamer and the date recorded in the item’s TLoc Date Note.
Books should be searched again at least once within 6 months of being initially added to TLoc H.
Books may be searched more often than once every 3 and 6 months, as searchers’ time permits.
If complete copy is found in OCLC (including correct author, title, publication, pagination – and with an acceptable 050 or 090 call number and with at least one 6XX field with second indicator 0)
Apply STEP 5 from the Shelf-Ready Processing procedure, cataloging ONLY if STEP 5 criteria are met.
Return to the "to be Tloc H-ed" truck if available record does not meet criteria
Place on "to be Tloc A-ed" truck if criteria are not met and original streamer date is more than 6 months past.
If copy is found with out an acceptable call number (no call number, unacceptable call number, obsolete call number, an analytic call number we don't analyze, etc.) or no 6XX with a second indicator 0
Place on the Copy Cataloging problem shelf
If copy is found in REMOTE searching with diacritic errors (usually presenting at nonsense, non-language characters) or other errors in diacritic coding
Place on the Copy Cataloging problem shelf
If no copy is found or incomplete copy is found that doesn't fit one of the above if/then statements
Return to the "to be Tloc H-ed" truck or place on the "to be Tloc A-ed" truck if original streamer date is more than 6 months past.