Summary: This procedure defines the scope of temporary location holdings (TLoc H) backlog for monographic works, and lays out searching and management parameters.
TLoc H stands for Temporary location holdings. Newly received monographs with no copy or inadequate copy (copy lacking essential cataloging elements such as a call number or subject heading) are assigned by catalogers to T-LOC H for an initial 3-month period.
At the end of that 3-month period, another search for the title is done in OCLC Connexion. If complete copy is found, the title is cataloged or transferred to the appropriate copy cataloging workflow. If copy is still lacking or inadequate, the book is reassigned to TLoc H for another 3-month period.
Entry dates and searching are marked on each title’s streamer to accomplish this tracking. Materials are grouped by date entered and labeled accordingly. When patrons request a title in T Loc H, Acquisitions staff will use noted dates in the item record to find the title on T Loc H shelves.
NOTE: Prior to Folio migration, materials were placed on a truck to be entered into T Loc H by Acquisitions student workers. This new workflow empowers catalogers to enter materials into T Loc H or A with no middle step.
Entering a title into T Loc H
This applies to any cataloger directing materials to T Loc H.
Bring in or overlay existing Instance record with either:
Any available OCLC record, OR
A new stub record (copy/paste title, author, and imprint from the PO record)
Create attached holdings and item records.
In item record
Permanent location = as designated on order streamer
Temporary location = tlh
Item note = T-loc Date Note containing T Loc H MM-DD-YYYY entered
Write date entered into T Loc H on order streamer
Add title to the end of the T Loc H queue
Searching and managing T Loc H
Shelving and labeling
Materials will be divided into smaller groups designated by date ranges (referring to the date entered into T Loc H).
For instance, one group of materials may include all titles entered between 1/15/23 - 1/31/23.
These date ranges will be labeled with shelf dividers. Groups of materials should not exceed one shelf range, and preferably less. (This makes searching for requested titles easier.)
The group of materials in the above example would be labeled 1/15 - 1/31. The next group would be labeled 2/1 — present. And so on. Labels and dividers will shift as needed.
Catalogers entering titles into TLH will always place the title at the end of the queue, in the most recent group of materials.
The TLH manager will monitor, shift, and label these groups appropriately. In general, other catalogers do not need to be responsible for this.
Books should be searched at least once within 3 months of being added to TLoc H. The date added can be determined by the earliest date on each item’s streamer and the date recorded in the item’s TLoc Date Note.
Books should be searched again at least once within 6 months of being initially added to TLoc H.
Books may be searched more often than once every 3 and 6 months, as searchers’ time permits.
Search result
Next step
If complete copy is found, meeting all requirements laid out in STEP 5 of Shelf-Ready Processing
Catalog normally and send to processing
If incomplete/inadequate copy is found, and title has not been in T Loc H more than 6 months
Re-enter the piece into T Loc H
Write date searched on order streamer
Enter additional Item note - Tloc Date Note in item record
Place title at the end of the T Loc H queue
If incomplete/inadequate copy is found, and title has been in T Loc H more than 6 months
Enter the piece into T Loc A
Write date searched on order streamer
Enter additional Item note - Tloc Date Note in item record (using T Loc A instead of T Loc H)