Summary: This page contains information about the formal backlogs or arrearages, referred to as T Locs, which are maintained by Tech Services. (T Loc = Temporary location.)
General overview
Full name
Material type
T Loc H
Temporary location - Holding
Monographic, print & non-print
Short-term storage for newly received monographs lacking acceptable copy
Searched systematically and re-entered if necessary by a designated copy cataloger
Copy and original catalogers may both pull work from T Loc H if desired
T Loc A
Temporary location - Arrearage
Monographic, print & non-print
Long-term storage for materials bumped from T Loc H after a designated period
Not searched systematically
Original catalogers will monitor and pull from T Loc A
T Loc HS
Temporary location - Holding, serials
Serials, print
Short-term storage for newly received print serials lacking acceptable copy
Serials copy and original catalogers may both pull work from T Loc H if desired
T Loc S
Temporary location - Serials
Serials, print
Long-term storage for materials bumped from T Loc HS
Original serial catalogers will monitor and pull from T Loc S
T Loc P
Temporary location - Problems
Monographic, print & non-print
Medium-term storage for either new or retrospective materials with straightforward problems that can be resolved by an original cataloger
Problem categories include:
Multivolume set issues
Subject/classification issues
Needs NACO work
Retrospective – missing or incorrect record
Original catalogers will monitor and pull from each category of T Loc P as capacity allows
T Loc NR
Temporary location - Non-Romanized
Monographic & serial, print & non-print
Long-term storage for newly received materials in non-Romanized scripts that present search challenges or lack acceptable copy
Entered, tracked, and searched periodically by a designated copy cataloger
Only designated catalogers should pull work from T Loc NR
Sending a title to a T Loc
If an instance for the title is not already present in Inventory, create a new instance (Actions → New)
Can be as brief as needed; consider this a placeholder
Actions → Edit instance
Suppress record (if not suppressed already)
Add statistical code using table below
Add admin note using table below
Save and close
Shelve item in appropriate T Loc location, placing it at the back of the queue
Backlogs - T Loc H
H [current date]
Backlogs - T Loc A
A [current date]
Backlogs - T Loc HS
HS [current date]
Backlogs - T Loc S
S [current date]
Backlogs - T Loc P NACO
P [current date]
Backlogs - T Loc P Multivol
P [current date]
Backlogs - T Loc P Subject/class
P [current date]
Backlogs - T Loc P Retro
P [current date]
Backlogs - T Loc NR
[language/script] [current date]
Cataloging a T Loc'ed title
Delete all T Loc stat codes and admin notes during the cataloging process.
Policies & decisions
Newly received print materials lacking acceptable cataloging copy will be assigned to a T Loc in Technical Services.
Backlogs are highly organized, which allows for precise tracking of materials. Procedures for entering materials into a specific T Loc should be carefully observed to enable this tracking.
Items residing in T Locs can be located and cataloged quickly if needed; staff should contact Kim Wiljanen in Acquisitions to begin this process.