Summary: These procedures contain information for catalogers and metadata librarians concerning creating and editing national-level authority records of all kinds. Information about our vendor-provided authority control processes is also included here.
Original Authority Record Policies
Catalogers are encouraged, but not required, to bring authority records into the catalog. Monthly authorities processing will supply needed authority records, but will only occur once a month.
Catalogers who do bring in a new authority record must report its LCCN to the Head of Metadata Management.
The MSU Libraries will follow PCC and CONSER practice, whenever possible.
Creating and/or editing national-level authority records is generally the work of LAIV original cataloging staff and catalog librarians.
The ability to contribute to MSUL's authority work is also contingent on completion of the appropriate PCC training.
All newly created and edited national authority records are reviewed by the MSUL's NACO coordinator as a final quality check before submission to the Library of Congress authority file. MSUL's current NACO coordinator is Lucas Mak.
Vendor-provided authority control processes are facilitated by the Metadata Management unit.
See the Authority Records Policy document. Questions about local authority records should be directed to the Head of Cataloging and the Head of Metadata Management.