Taking home materials

This page contains instructions and policies for TS staff taking materials out of the library building for at-home work.

1. Sign an agreement.

Fill out this form outlines expectations for safe environments and responsible treatment of library resources.


You only need to submit the form one time; it applies to all occasions when you may take materials home from the library.

2. Determine the value of the materials

Any items worth more than $1000 should not be taken home. Consult with your supervisor if item value isn’t clear.

3. Create an inventory

Create a list of all items being taken home. This list will look different depending on needs and materials. Acquisitions is using a clipboard system, some gifts already have spreadsheet inventories, and catalogers might find it easiest to create lists of order numbers.

Whatever the method, record some form of a list in this spreadsheet, using a tab with your name:


Email Autumn if you need assistance with the spreadsheet.

4. Return your materials to the designated check-in spot.

When you are finished working with materials, they need to be checked back in by another staff member. Please place returned materials in the designated ranges by T Loc H, with a shelf label containing the following information:

  • Your name

  • The date you took home the item(s)

  • Where the items should go next

    • example: copy cataloging, T Loc H, CP labeling truck, etc.

Your supervisor will coordinate who checks in the material.