Summary: This procedure details the cataloging workflow and unique record components for the Beard Collection, a unique collection that is part of the Turfgrass Information Center.
Beginning in 2023, the TF location to be phased out; orders and selecting for that location ceased.
Materials still in-process in Tech Services destined for location TF to be cataloged as Beard materials instead (TFBRD).
Except for serials; serials destined for TF can continue to be cataloged for or added to TF holdings.
If an item being cataloged is already held in Beard, please forward to Andrew Lundeen for review.
Individual items can be forwarded via internal mail.
Multiple items can be set aside and request a pickup by Andrew.
Copy cataloging
Check Folio first; Beard item may be an ADD LOC (to Main, or to Special Collections Turfgrass locations (SPTFG, SPRTF), etc.).
If an ADD LOC, assign it the next sequential copy number, regardless of gaps in existing copy numbers.
As stated above, Multiple copies within Beard are not desired
If cataloging a Beard item that would be a copy 2 to something already held in Beard, forward to Andrew Lundeen.
Original cataloging
Forward to Mike Erickson if there is no copy or found copy is inadequate.
Print monograph record components
For non-print, consult Autumn Faulkner, Joshua Barton or Janet Baldwin.
Restricted (if creating item manually, assign in the View item menu: Actions / Mark as restricted)
*For new cataloging, holdings and item record fields should be populated in 948 and 949 in Connexion, using text strings or constant data; many of the field values prescribed here will be auto-populated via field mappings when importing the record into Data Import. See 94X template and instructions on the Checklist for general cataloging in Folio.
Write the call number on the existing streamer or a slip of paper and insert in book; or print the VuFind public display, once the record is available.
Keep book jacket with book (can be placed inside the book)
Place monographs on Beard shelf in CatMan (just below relabeling shelf)
Barcodes without shields will be applied to the back of the item by CatMan
Beard serials are not generally barcoded and can be delivered directly to TF, but if previous issues are already barcoded, consult TF staff