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10-18 (AGENDA)
Present: Joshua, Don, Autumn, Dao, Kay, Ranti, Lisa S., Lee, Lisa R., Brooke, Don T.
- Approve 9-12-18 meeting minutes.
- Any attend the Presidential Search Input event? Report?
- Google Library Conference impressions. Don Depoorter
- Tour needed. Does our current way of doing this work? Bring calendars for a date.
- TS physical space. Do cubicles work? Kay's brief conversation with Joe.
Action items
- Action 1
- Action 2
- Action 3
- Decision 1
- Decision 2
- Decision 3
Present: Don, Dao, Kay, Ranti, Lisa S, Lee, Lisa R (notes)
Regrets: Joshua, Autumn
- We met at our temporary new time of 10 am.
- Edit and Approval of all previous minutes and publish
- Done. Each week, we will approve & publish the previous week's minutes at the start of the meeting.
- Last look at Sierra Permissions document before checking with Terri Miller https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KDOBD_DCOE3qXdTqHJmglsQsnYtsqHVbzycWgUcZUBk/edit?usp=sharing
- Done. Kay will share the document with Terri Miller for her input on on circulation & patron permissions.
- TS Managers would find it useful to have a list of the permissions held by each of their staff. It can be difficult to know what permissions a person has since there is not a one-to-one relationship in Sierra between a function and the permission(s) needed to perform it.
- Progress on "Who Does What" page?
Action items
- Action 1
- Action 2
- Action 3
- Decision 1
- Decision 2
- Decision 3
- We know that some changes need to be made as some staff have retired, some telephone numbers have changed, and some new functions are not listed.
- The current page is very detailed and organized around individual staff members job duties and TS organizational structure. Do we want to have a public-facing page that is organized around types of questions/functions and keep an updated version of the current page for TS-only viewing?
- Round Robin
- Don - There are just 2 or 3 shipments left in the Google theses digitization project. We expect the project to be done in October.
- Ranti - The 3 video games the library recently bought have been cataloged & processed. She is now documenting the workflow. There may be a need for a new location code for DMC Games (as distinct from ROVI games).
- Lisa S - Nicki’s last day at work and her retirement party is this Friday.
- The Michigan Innovative Users Group meeting (at LCC West) is also this Friday.
Action items
- TS Managers will continue reviewing the TS "Who Does What" page on Drupal.
- Ranti will create a google doc containing the current "Who Does What" content for edit collaboration
TS Council 09-05-18
Present: Dao, Kay, Ranti (notes), Nicole, Lisa S., Lee, Lisa R., Brooke M. (Law Library)