10-10-18 (AGENDA)
Present: Joshua, Don, Autumn, Dao, Kay, Ranti, Lisa S., Lee, Lisa R., Brooke, Don T.
- Approve 9-12-18 meeting minutes.
- Any attend the Presidential Search Input event? Report?
- Google Library Conference impressions. Don Depoorter
- Tour needed. Does our current way of doing this work? Bring calendars for a date.
- TS physical space. Do cubicles work? Kay's brief conversation with Joe.
Action items
- Action 1
- Action 2
- Action 3
- Decision 1
- Decision 2
- Decision 3
Present: Don, Dao, Kay, Ranti, Lisa S, Lee, Lisa R (notes)
Regrets: Joshua, Autumn
- We met at our temporary new time of 10 am.
- Edit and Approval of all previous minutes and publish
- Done. Each week, we will approve & publish the previous week's minutes at the start of the meeting.
- Last look at Sierra Permissions document before checking with Terri Miller https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KDOBD_DCOE3qXdTqHJmglsQsnYtsqHVbzycWgUcZUBk/edit?usp=sharing
- Done. Kay will share the document with Terri Miller for her input on on circulation & patron permissions.
- TS Managers would find it useful to have a list of the permissions held by each of their staff. It can be difficult to know what permissions a person has since there is not a one-to-one relationship in Sierra between a function and the permission(s) needed to perform it.
- Progress on "Who Does What" page?
- We know that some changes need to be made as some staff have retired, some telephone numbers have changed, and some new functions are not listed.
- The current page is very detailed and organized around individual staff members job duties and TS organizational structure. Do we want to have a public-facing page that is organized around types of questions/functions and keep an updated version of the current page for TS-only viewing?
- Round Robin
- Don - There are just 2 or 3 shipments left in the Google theses digitization project. We expect the project to be done in October.
- Ranti - The 3 video games the library recently bought have been cataloged & processed. She is now documenting the workflow. There may be a need for a new location code for DMC Games (as distinct from ROVI games).
- Lisa S - Nicki’s last day at work and her retirement party is this Friday.
- The Michigan Innovative Users Group meeting (at LCC West) is also this Friday.
Action items
- TS Managers will continue reviewing the TS "Who Does What" page on Drupal.
- Ranti will create a google doc containing the current "Who Does What" content for edit collaboration
TS Council 09-05-18
Present: Dao, Kay, Ranti (notes), Nicole, Lisa S., Lee, Lisa R., Brooke M. (Law Library)
Regrets: Joshua, Autumn, Tad, Don, Tim, Emily
- III API. What can it do? (Dao)
- API: application programming interface, a web service that allows one to access "backdoor" of a system instead of using the public interface.
- Sierra API has been around for quite sometime.
- We don't have all possible endpoints yet. Innovative adding them for each Sierra update.
- Our library catalog already utilizing the API
- Google Book API: linking to Google Book limited preview or full text, depending on the availability on Google Books
- OCLC/Worldcat citation API. Showing the link to the Worldcat citation if available.
- Sierra API documentation: https://techdocs.iii.com/sierraapi/Content/titlePage.htm
- Sierra API access https://magic.msu.edu/iii/sierra-api/swagger/index.html (will need an API Key in order to access the data)
- Input/output format: the API is based on RESTful API, takes text queries or JSON in some cases
- API endpoints provide results in JSON and XML format
- Acquisition and Circulation have CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) access
- Bib records only have Read access
- Sierra API is also accessible through browser plugins (Firefox RESTClient and Chrome Advanced REST Client)
- You will need to convert the key:secret into base64 strong by using the Based64 Encode and Decode online utility
- The API set up can be granular so only certain access can be granted.
- What III products have we purchased that we do not use? A reminder in case we see products differently now. (Dao)
- Metadata Builder: a program that helps build Dublin Core with OAI-PMH capability.
- We used to use it to harvest EAD from VVL finding aids (around 2003?) to create collection-level MARC records. These MARC records have been largely (but not entirely) replaced by item-level records, and most of the collection-level records are now suppressed or deleted.
- If we move to a different catalog system in the future, we should consider whether we still need the few remaining collection level records.
- Media Management: a product to add digital files to the catalog.
- We used to use it to store digital files on the catalog server and link those files to catalog records. The linked digital objects show up as thumbnails in OPAC catalog records.
- We used this program for a pilot project (around 2002?) to display digitized book covers. Lisa R. thinks these book cover links may have been removed from the catalog records. Now we use the Syndetic Solutions service to show book covers.
- The alternative to using Media Management is to supply a link to a digital object in the catalog record using the 856 field. This method does not provide a thumbnail preview of the image.
- There are several others, but these two products are the biggest.
- Metadata Builder: a program that helps build Dublin Core with OAI-PMH capability.
- TS Who Does What page
- Currently on the TS Drupal page: https://lib.msu.edu/tsarchive/techservices/whodoeswhat/
- Each unit will review their section and decide how they want the information to be displayed.
- Sierra server updates:
- Operating system upgrade: Dao is hoping to be done next week; still waiting for ITS on the exact date.
- After the upgrade, we will have the ability to add more material types.
- Test server: III is still working on loading the old data to populate the test server.
Action items
- Unit Heads will review their sections of the "Who Does What" page.
- Kay will ask for feedback from other Departments.
Present: Joshua, Don, Dao (notes), Kay, Ranti, Lisa S., Lee, Lisa R.
Regrets: Autumn
- Review minutes from August 15, 2018
- Last look at 2018/2019 Technical Services G & O's https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QlvpKLUH6J5OffeP8zs3isF2nLtrRRcMwUKqxUPbM2A/edit
- Sierra Permissions Document https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KDOBD_DCOE3qXdTqHJmglsQsnYtsqHVbzycWgUcZUBk/edit?usp=sharing
- Any issues for this Friday's football game from your area?
- TS Manager's time slot for this semester
Action items
- Ranti will created the Drupal page for the 2018/2019 TS Gs & Os
- Kay will contact Emily Sanford about fine tuning our process for publishing minutes in Confluence.
Present: Kay, Joshua, Don, Autumn,, Ranti, Lisa S., Lee
Regrets: Dao, Lisa R.
- TS Goals & Objectives update
- reviewed G/Os from past year and made updates
- 2017-18 document: https://lib.msu.edu/techservices/goals-objectives/
- 2018-19 draft document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QlvpKLUH6J5OffeP8zs3isF2nLtrRRcMwUKqxUPbM2A/edit
- "Peter Berg" in our procedures
- identified pages requiring updates; will contact Pat Olson to confirm/review
- TS retirees in our procedures
- identified pages requiring updates; various managers will make revisions as needed
- More thoughts about draft minutes on Confluence
- draft notes should only be visible to TSTM members until finalized
- how to accomplish? keeping new notes in unpublished draft of notes page probably the best approach
Round robin
- Kay
- availability update
- will be meeting with John Straw soon from Ex Libris
- Joshua
- reindexing testing done; several issues identified that Innovate will need to address
- 490 still not indexing in title or series as planned
- Lucas discovered that portions of $0 and $1 URI character strings are searchable in the keyword (i.e., search for "authorities" gets lots of hits)
- reindexing testing done; several issues identified that Innovate will need to address
- Don
- project to update records for materials in Remote to circulate for 6 months instead of shorter loan periods
- mostly applies to serials records, since usually those only circulate for 21 days
- about 300k records
- project to update records for materials in Remote to circulate for 6 months instead of shorter loan periods
Action items
- Autumn – create separate drop-down for TS GOs on Drupal page & post finalized 18-19 GOs when prepared (edit: Ranti posted the finalized version)
- Various managers – edit Confluence procedures to replace names of retirees
- We are ok with Confluence spaces being indexed and publicly searchable (following up from 7.25.18).
- Draft notes will remain unpublished until reviewed by the group.
Present: Joshua, Don, Autumn, Dao, Ranti, Lisa S., Lee, Lisa R.
Regrets: Kay
- Access to test server almost restored
- Will require two separate Sierra icons on each individual machine
- Will need to decide which staff need access and request Systems help for installations
- catalogers need access to resolve overlay errors
- team managers
- Lyudmila, Kim W., Lisa E., Anne E.
- Off-campus access will require VPN
- Dao working to ensure IT populates test with old catalog data
- we know we need data back to at least June 2016 so Acq. can complete check-in card error resolution project
- after that is complete, we can revisit question of appropriate time window for test server data
- Search engine indexing of TSTM Confluence space
- group has no huge concerns about TSTM notes being indexed
- will take back to Kay for decision
- Round robin
- Joshua
- testing of re-indexed database underway
- report expected in a few weeks
- Don
- new workflow to process cataloged but unprocessed Rovi items and retain packaging
- Lisa S.
- Huei’s replacement starting Aug 20
- Dao
- updated us on schedule
- Ranti
- Upcoming project with Heidi and Anne Swan looking at documenting accessibility in our e-resources management for e-resource records and databases
- Working with Jonah to purchase games and books about games for CAL, desired for teaching/research; how should these enter cataloging/processing workflow, what circulation approach will be taken, and what procedures do we need to write up?
- Autumn
- reminder: less availability coming up
- Backstage project for Chinese/Arabic books underway
- fleshing out Confluence documentation
- Lisa R
- struggling to keep up with all the authority work since Sue's position is vacant at the moment. Having to rely on the automated processing, even though those programs are known to work imperfectly and incompletely.
- working on the creation of local authority data for Rovi names, as a contribution to the OCLC Project Passage. But this work also suggests the possibility of creating local name authority records for Rovi band & musician names.
- Lee S.
- wrapping up final steps of fiscal close
- schedule updates
- Joshua
TS Council 7-11-2018
Present: Joshua, Tad, Autumn, Dao, Kay, Ranti, Tim, Lucas, Emily, Nicole, Lee
Regrets: Don, Lisa S., Lisa R.
- Update on uniform time reporting idea
- white boards not an option because of marker dust on fabric
- other things to consider
- paper notepads, pins
- doors for cubicles would allow mounting whiteboards
- Confluence location for TS minutes (Autumn)
- switching to maintaining TSTM notes in Confluence
- keeping space publicly viewable for lib staff, but not posting link to space anywhere except intranet
- check on web crawling!
- Feedback Kay can share with incoming director Joe Salem
- for instance, Kay assumes we’d like to maintain current profession development funding levels
- anything else?
- maintain 7a-7p working hrs
- prox card entry to TS instead of keys?
- dearth of language expertise in cataloging across the field, possibility of hiring someone with advanced degrees but no MLIS
- would like to retain “Technical Services” name
- commitment to cataloging at full levels and national cooperative cataloging
- commitment to continued authority control and identity management
- Kay would like a hosted ILS
- keep thinking, send other thoughts Kay’s way
- Interesting thoughts from ALA
- Tad (RBMS preconference)
- helped lead discussion group for newer professionals seeking full time work
- learned a lot about other institutions’ projects, especially around underrepresented groups and collections
- Smith College — $5000 a year set aside, let class groups propose purchase of certain materials
- Emily
- RDA Forum
- numbering issue still controversial
- spring 2019 as potential launch
- did a lot w ALCTS, upcoming realignment discussion and survey results
- working groups looking at budget/finance and communication/planning
- report planned for Midwinter
- discussions about possible LITA/ALCTS forum instead of Midwinter
- RDA Forum
- Ranti
- LITA perspective on realignment
- some discussions about the differences between LITA’s flat structure as opposed to ALCTS’ sections and committees at different levels
- session on presenting digital collections
- noticing other institutions have metadata folks really enmeshed within traditional cataloging units instead of highly separate roles and units like we do
- LITA perspective on realignment
- Tim
- whenever beta Toolkit is launched, groups like PCC will have to decide on individual basis when/how to adopt (and also will need to tackle revision of policy statements)
- preconference on proposing new LC classification numbers
- some questions about success of proposals if related only to retrospective projects?
- Lucas
- heard suggestion for returning Midwinter to business meetings only, no programming
- MARC Advisory Committee meeting; passed two proposals related to accessibility
- 041 for AV materials; also 341 and 342
- PCC discussion about use of $2 in 1XX and 7XX to indicate source of identifier (would aid with reconciliation)
- British Lib opposed because identity management shouldn’t make use of preferred strings
- LC presentation on non-Latin scripts in BF descriptions
- U of Fla used vendor to apply JSTOR subject vocabs to resources via machine learning processes
- U of Fla including articles by their own faculty from open access journals in institutional repository—getting metadata from Elsevier; accepted manuscripts next on the list
- AI lab by U of Rhode Island
- lab set up with College of Engineering; AI being used for abstracting and indexing, feature detection and content extraction
- Dao
- heard Innovative is investing $25m in software development
- lots of discussion about data privacy, security, with some discussion about the impact of GDPR
- increased usage of KBART in knowledge bases
- Syndetic Solutions purchased by ProQuest, new enhancements added to product as Syndetics Unbound
- Joshua
- cataloging lab by Violet Fox
- tackling changes to LCSH in a collective way
- BTAA thinking about collective proposals also
- trying to resolve issue with OCLC WCP sending us minimal records, but with call numbers pulled from more desirable full level records
- cataloging lab by Violet Fox
- Lee
- BTAA trying to resolve issue of rising costs with Kanopy’s PDA service; meeting some resistance from their executive leadership, who doesn’t want to work with consortiums
- three libraries preparing to go live with Folio
- updates coming to issn.org
- Kay
- presentation on implementing meditation rooms (something we’re thinking about here)
- challenges with naming them!
- location of restrooms a factor (washing feet)
- Duke has two rooms — one for prayer/reflection, one for wellbeing (stuff like yoga, etc)
- presentation on implementing meditation rooms (something we’re thinking about here)
- Tad (RBMS preconference)
- Re-indexing done. Time to check results.
- Joshua suggests taking spreadsheet and divvying up among TSTM to test
- Joshua suggests taking spreadsheet and divvying up among TSTM to test
Action items
- Autumn – check on web crawling of Confluence TSTM space
- The new Confluence space for meeting notes looks good; we will use it going forward
- Instead of emailing drafts of minutes to other attendees and asking for edits, notes will instead be reviewed and approved at the beginning of each meeting