Comics cataloging conventions
Refer to ALA’s Best Practices for Cataloging Comics.
For serial titles, follow CONSER guidelines and local practices for recording holdings statements.
Special notes and streamer info
Use cataloger’s judgment to determine which MARC fields and descriptive conventions are most appropriate.
Refer to Special Collections (general) for example 5XX notes.
Use $5 MiEM at the end of any recorded information specific to MSUL’s item.
Refer to the Comics Classification guide
Subject and genre term assignment
Refer to this spreadsheet which crosswalks formerly employed local headings to current preferred terminology:
View file name Comics local authority records - JL & Autumn notes.xlsx
Make notes on the back of the streamer for the Comics Studies Librarian and return to the shelves.
Serial holdings
New serial holdings will be created by the comics cataloger, using the indicia as the authoritative source of information per the ALA Best Practices (linked above).
Serial adds will be processed by SPC team members.
When cataloging is complete
Write the call number on the back of the streamer.
Return to the shelves.
Email the Comics Studies Librarian to notify them that materials are awaiting pickup.