CMS 2024.8.20
Notes = Autumn
Reports from ALA (late June) from any who wish to share
In general, we have noted a significant decline in TS-relevant content at ALA.
CORE Forum may replace ALA conference as the primary information exchange for the cataloging/metadata field.
Update from Autumn: Tim completed his chairship of MAGIRT, an important professional body in maps collections and access. Yay Tim!
Emily may have updates for us at the next meeting.
Test tenant upgrade to Quesnelia
Not clear if upgrade was actually completed.
Autumn asked Joshua to confirm.
Watch for updates; test when you’re able.
Quesnelia info:
No trainings released yet by EBSCO.
Dev teams compiled major features in these slides
Data Import product owner Ryan Taylor also put together slides on some specific Data Import functionality coming in Quesnelia
Analytics, boundwiths, multiple holdings/items
Any outstanding questions?
None raised in official meeting; some questions addressed in lab portion (see recording).
New query tool created by Dao
Available here:
Searches FOLIO Inventory more powerfully than Lists, Inventory advanced search, etc.
Exports more granular data than Data Export to .csv, and can also generate full .mrc data files
If you are interested in this tool, please expore and send feedback to Dao, both concerning failed searches or desired features
AD search timeline
Interviews for candidates next week (8/27 and 8/29)
Please make adjustments to your schedule if possible so you can attend the presentations in person
Keep 9/3 meeting?
Email Autumn if you will be away this day.
Meeting will be rescheduled if a majority of our team is out.
CMS 2024.7.15
Notes = Emily
Coming soon.
Poppy approacheth
Poppy Dry Run environment available Friday 7/19 (early morning - possibly before we arrive for work).
All testing in Dry Run should be concluded by Tuesday 7/23
If all goes well, we’ll approve and move forward with updating Production.
Service patch 6 has been added to our test environment already. Dry Run environment will have slightly more updated data - they reproduce production to create Dry Run.
Please take some time Friday-Tuesday and play around with Dry Run and let Autumn know if you encounter any issues.
Poppy installed to Production early Friday morning, 7/26 - barring an act of God.
Begin using new 949 on this day
Catalog harvests for VuFind will be paused from 7/26 - 7/29 (watch for more details from Devin Higgins and/or CDAWG)
Updates to practice
New procedure for supplemental items in SPC materials - i.e., anything meant to be used with the piece - occludes laid-in materials (bookmark, grocery list, etc.), which we already have a procedure for (ex. Recipe cards). Something that should be included in a 300 field, truly supplemental material.
Include in 300 $e, or use multiple 300s, if important to break out or you have multiple supplemental items.
Include call number with the supplemental piece(s)
When in doubt, consult Head of Cataloging, Tad, or the purchasing selector.
Route to Tad (email) so he can work to get the piece housing (box or folder) while Preservation is swamped with the move.
Change re: cataloged SPC materials needing conservation attention
Starting in August, route these directly to the Conservation Lab instead of placing on the SPC cataloging truck - (a result of the move).
Autumn will follow-up with Conservation to verify where they’d like these SPC materials to go - shelf or cart.
New procedure for ISBNs in set records
We can force VuFind to grab the ISBN for the first volume we hold and display it if we put that ISBN as the first ISBN.
New Tigre and Tigrinya translation numbers in Confluence (thanks Mike!)
New URL for the Cataloging Calculator
Added to Confluence as well
Best Practices for Queer Metadata added to our General cataloging tools page (thanks Emily!)
Metadata for Trans and Gender Diverse Resources also added to the General cataloging tools page.
Updates from the field
Changes to LC’s process for considering SACO proposals
Instead of monthly meetings (in place since 2021), moving to quarterly meetings and limiting their scope
More info here:
Many SACO funnel coordinators voiced concerns over this change
Open letter submitted to LC
PCC Participants meeting this Thursday 7/18
Updates on RDA, SACO, and AI in metadata task force
Other business
Interim assignments update - plans to maintain interim assignment for gap we have during search for AD for Collections and Technical Services. Autumn will be communicating out as this evolves.
Question – anyone using the MARC authorities app to consult our authority file?
Joshua uses it to look up local subject headings.
Request from FOLIO governance group and Data Import SIG to create videos of routine work in Inventory, Data Import, etc.
Any volunteers? A yes from Ruth Ann and Cherish. Contact Autumn for more info or to volunteer.
Autumn out Friday 7/19, working remotely 7/22 - 7/26
Feel free to Zoom or Teams chat Autumn with questions, etc.
CMS 2024.6.18
Notes = Autumn
Coming soon.
SPC materials during their move
Will be
E-resources working group
AD posting & search
Checking in on those impacted by Crane Days
Where we stand with Poppy
CMS 2024.5.21
Coming soon.
1. CMS/TS updates
Interim roles for Joshua and Autumn concluding as planned in August
Technical Services AD position posting and timeline
Janice Ahee retiring, last day 6/25
Plans for cataloging Special Collections materials during their move, timelines, etc.
RDA Phase 1 training update
E-resources working group update
2. Moving to Poppy
Prepare to use 949 strings starting Wednesday 5/22
Multiple holdings & items
Documentation coming soon
Bound-withs and analytics
Some documentation in place, more coming
Some decisions about analytics still outstanding, stay tuned
Other features & changes to have on your radar
Advanced search in Inventory
Create MARC record in QuickMarc
Call number browse issue
3. General updates
Moving June meeting
New Chewa translation number (thx Ruth Ann!)
TFBRD / Turfgrass update
Reminder to prevent duplicate imports
Autumn in-building schedule returning to M, T, F
4. Other business?
CMS 2024.4.16
1. Poppy update
CSP #3 released Thursday 4/11; will need this in Test before we can upgrade Production
Timeline still uncertain
Poppy training on hold until we know more
Because of issues with Poppy, EBSCO providing MSU with a special Quesnalia testing environment
2. EBSCO Users Group highlights
New Serials app coming in Quesnalia
Mostly acquisitions-focused but lots of convenient features
Lists app being expanded
Full FOLIO database tables (i.e., all record types and fields)
MARC SRS records
Scheduler, dashboards, Panorama integration
BIBFRAME integration in FOLIO
Import linked data into Inventory
LC’s BIBFRAME Marva editor integration
MARC export of BIBFRAME data
Other takeaways
Alma library that migrated to FOLIO – appreciating fewer mouse clicks 😲
Lots of libraries considering FOLIO
Joshua now officially NACO coordinator for everything outside geographic and corporate body names
Series & titles not a focus, but can tackle in cases where needed
Send your questions/records his way
CMS 2024.3.19
1. Poppy update
New upgrade timeline now available
CSP #2 has been released and will be installed on Test and Dry Run week of the 18th
Dry Run testing 3/25 - 3/29
Production upgrade 4/1 - 4/5
Save the date for Poppy training, CMS meeting 4/2
Creating multiple holdings/items upon import, using multiple 9XX fields
Linking boundwiths & analytics
Running lists in Lists app
949 configuration check-in
2. New local class number for Native American cookbooks
Using TX715.9
Background on the project
Documentation coming soon
3. Reminders & updates
If manually entering any value in holdings/items:
Check for hard returns before and after
Check for spaces before and after
Review for typos
When cataloging an item from a T Loc, remember to remove the T Loc admin note and stat code from the Instance
Autumn can investigate using a Job Profile to do this, if there is interest (but will have to wait till Poppy!)
OCLC has updated the Bib Formats web page; mostly formatting changes, but FYI that it has a slightly different look
RDA webinars taking place Wednesdays at 2pm; not required, but open to anyone interested
PCC At-Large Virtual Forum – attend in person or virtually?
Autumn: temporary schedule change
CMS 2024.3.5
1. 9XX reconfiguration
947, 948, and 949 combo going away
New approach will use one single 949 for all instance, holdings, & item data
Subfield codes will be different, but format will be the same
Awaiting service patch 2 on dry run environment later this week.
Try out in test environment before we switch to Poppy
Autumn will remap the job profiles once service patch 2 is installed on our test environment
Autumn asks us to create the constant data now, so that it’s ready when we switch to Poppy.
A template is available on both the Confluence site and in Connexion’s shared constant data.
Autumn is available to help - please reach out if you have questions!
Once you create it, you can test it on the test environment on Friday.
Tim noted that call number browse isn’t working in Dry Run or Test, but they’re behaving differently. Autumn advised waiting until service patch 2 to see if the problem resolves itself.
We can submit tickets in EBSCO Connect or the FOLIO Product JIRA site.
Check in on Slack re: call number browsing issues.
We’ll also check JIRA to see if this has been reported.
2. Reminders & updates
Test environment vs Dry run environment
Recent snapshot of our production database with the newest release applied. It’s slightly more current and we have temporary access when we are testing a new release.
Sierra order records – sometimes they’re in FOLIO, sometimes they’re not – and what to do about it
Orders in Sierra older than 2 years old did not come over to FOLIO (though the bibliographic record migrated).
Try searching orders app and inventory app by title to see if it comes up
Alternatively, search Sierra archive to search for Sierra order number to retrieve related Sierra bibliographic number, which can be searched in FOLIO (with a ‘.’ at the beginning).
If none is found, go ahead and bring in a new record.
RDA Phase 1 webinars open to all
First one on March 13 - Wednesdays at 2pm from March-May and will be recorded
Expect calendar invitations from Autumn
Training for next CMS on new functionality in Poppy:
Using data import to create multiple holdings and item records
Creating analytics
In-depth look at the Lists app
CMS 2024.2.20
1. Poppy update
Updating Folio Production from Orchid to Poppy is on hold at the moment.
Implementation timeline is pushed back because of issues found by MSUL staff in testing which would severely impede our workflows.
Folio Service patch #2 is in development and promised to fix a lot of the issues identified as a problem by MSUL
MSU Dry-run instance is set to be updated around first of March. MSUL staff will resume testing at that point and we should know more regarding when implementation might happen in Folio Production.
2. PCC update
Many catalogers attended the recent PCC Participant’s Meeting. Presentations there centered on updates around Official RDA and making the PCC more accessible for new participants and on the future of identity management.
RDA training modules available – we have some options to consider
Question (Tim): PCC has a series of webinars scheduled in March re: RDA Official Toolkit. Are we at MSU participating at this time?
Question (Adam): What is Tech Services' official stance on Official RDA and implementing it?
Question (Emily): should we charge a group re: Official RDA
Autumn will explore this further but welcomes any one with interest in the Phase 1 Official RDA webinars to attend.
EMCO & the changing nature of the cooperative cataloging universe
Lots of future conversations to be had around data and the PCC’s role in creating and managing it.
3. Office hours
Nicole & Autumn going to reserve some time each non-CMS Tuesday for your questions
Ensures that no matter how crazy our calendars get, we’ll always be dependably available at these times
4. Other updates
758 fields in OCLC records (and other recent linked data additions you might see)
Okay to leave them in and ignore them at the moment
Question (Janet): If it’s okay to leave them in, is it okay to delete them? Autumn prefers we leave them in with the hopes that their inclusion is someday useful.
Autumn can now delete records that we have contributed to OCLC, if needed
Using World Share Record Manager, Autumn has the power to delete records in OCLC, contact her if you have this need.
Holdings/item locations where item is linked to another instance
If/when you are doing work on linked records, we need to make sure that location codes in the item match the holdings
Joshua: originally in the migration plan, older stuff will have a code both in the item and holding. Going forward, we have decided that the location codes go only in the holdings record
Trailing spaces
Be careful of including trailing spaces in your workstats, it can mess up our stats and/or importing function.
Duplicate records on import
When using mrc file to bring into Folio, be sure that you haven’t exported the same MARC record twice (appending multiples of the same MARC record in the same dat file).
Autumn manages this by opening this each time and viewing file to make sure she doesn’t have a double file. Nicole, deletes her mrc file after each import to avoid this problem.
Other business?
CMS 2024.2.6
Notes: Autumn
1. Poppy update
Poppy installed in Test tenant; results of testing so far:
Lists app working well
Can run lists on a number of different item record fields, plus a limited number of instance record fields
Queries can be built with multiple lines; no “OR” option, though, only “AND”
Offers a preview of query results before running the entire list
Results can be exported to CSV, but limited to a select set of fields
No apparent limit on the number of lists that can be run/stored at any given time
Function to add/delete linkages now available
Links are between one shared item record and the holdings records of the related instances
Viewing and editing these can be confusing! More training to come
Job profile 9XX configurations will be changing
New functionality to create multiple holdings/items for one instance using 9XX field mappings in Data Import
However, this means all values for one holdings/item pair must be in one single MARC field
We will be changing from the 947/948/949 configuration to just the 949 field
Autumn will be testing this thoroughly and helping everyone adjust their constant data accordingly
Possible issue with action profiles
Known issue with Poppy, where the “action profile” component of a job profile might be unlinked from all the job profiles it’s associated with
Catalogers don’t need to grasp all the details of the problem, but just know it could be a factor in when we ultimately move to Poppy
Meeting concluded here; remaining agenda items moved to next meeting’s agenda.
2. Autumn & Nicole office hours
We’re going to reserve some time each non-CMS Tuesday for your questionsEnsures that no matter how crazy our calendars get, we’ll always be dependably available at these times
3. Updates & reminders
Autumn can now delete records that we have contributed to OCLC, if neededHoldings/item locations where item is linked to another instanceTrailing spacesDuplicate records on importUpcoming PCC meeting viewingOther business?
CMS 2024.1.3
This was a brief off-cycle meeting immediately after the holiday break, only on Zoom.
1. New IMCO (Identity management) cooperative program
The PCC is planning a new program to establish URIs for entities, like NACO/SACO but for linked data
This is in very preliminary planning stages, but something we will be paying attention to
2. PCC meeting viewings
PCC’s official meetings used to be limited to in-person attendance, but this year their meetings all allow virtual attendance, and they’ve added some special sessions to their usual calendar
Autumn is setting up group viewings for these meetings for anyone interested; Outlook invitations will be sent with times, locations, and agendas (when that info is available)