Translation cutter table

Summary: This list includes a mix of both established Library of Congress Cutter numbers for translations (as outlined in the Classification and Shelflisting Manual's G 150 instruction sheet) as well as local Cutter numbers in use at MSU Libraries. Locally devised Cutter numbers are in bold.

Cutter numbersType of work
.xOriginal work
.x12Polyglot (2 or more languages of translation)
.x123Afrikaans translation
.x124Amharic tranlation
.x125Arabic translation
x1254Berber translation
.x1258Cape Verdean Creole translation
.x126Catalan translation
.x1268Chewa translation (may also be called Chichewa)
.x127Chinese translation
.x128Czech translation
.x129Danish translation
.x1295Dutch translation
.x13English translation
.x14French translation
.x145Galacian translation
.x15German translation
.x155Indonesian translation
.x16Italian translation
.x163Japanese translation
.x1635Kinyarwanda translation
.x164Korean translation
.x166Norwegian translation
.x1665Oromo translation
.x167Portuguese translation
.168Romanian translation
.x17Russian translation
.x18Spanish translation
.x187Swedish translation
.x1889Tigré translation
.x189Tigrinya translation
.x19Vietnamese translation
.x197Xhosa translation

ContactJoshua Barton
UpdatedDecember 2024
CreatedMarch 2018