TS Team Managers

This is a private Confluence space for keeping minutes and collaborative documents maintained by the MSUL TS Team Managers group (TSTM). Editing access to this space is only given to members of TSTM, and links to minutes pages should only be shared with MSUL staff. 

TSTM members

The TSTM group is composed of all unit managers within MSUL Technical Services and meets each Wednesday. TS managers from the the Library of Michigan and the Law Library also have a standing invitation to TSTM meetings.

  1. Joshua Barton (CMS)
  2. Don Depoorter (CatMan)
  3. Autumn Faulkner (CMS)
  4. Ed Gildner (Acq)
  5. Dao Gong (CatSer)
  6. Kay Granskog (AD)
  7. Ranti Junus (ERM)
  8. Lisa Smith (Acq)
  9. Lisa Robinson (MetMan)

Partner institution managers:

  1. Adam DeWitt (Law)
  2. Don Todaro (LoM)

TS Council members

TS Council is a body comprising managers and librarians with primary or significant assignments in MSUL Technical Services, which meets the first Wednesday of each month.

  1. Joshua Barton (CMS)
  2. Don Depoorter (CatMan)
  3. Autumn Faulkner (CMS)
  4. Ed Gildner (Acq)
  5. Dao Gong (CatSer)
  6. Kay Granskog (AD)
  7. Ranti Junus (ERM)
  8. Tim Kiser (CMS)
  9. Lucas Mak (DMC)
  10. Emily Sanford (CMS)
  11. Nicole Smeltekop (CMS)
  12. Lisa Smith (Acq)
  13. Lisa Robinson (MetMan)