Summary: These procedures govern the project-based work of Rovi DVD review and cataloging handled by the Rovi unit, CatMan, and the CMS team. This is separate from the Rovi DVD multi-disc project, though the two processes overlap at times.
These procedures include several different streams of Rovi materials: various retrospective review/correction efforts facilitated by CatMan (including grant-funded projects), and also the systematic checking of Rovi DVD record quality by the Rovi unit.
CatMan/Rovi unit review
In their various Rovi DVD workflows, CatMan staff and the Rovi unit will:
Identify any existing records requiring review by inserting one of the following staff note in the item record:
f Rovi DVD needs cataloging attention
f Rovi DVD needs cataloging attention - Rovi unit
If the title includes multiple discs, insert this note into each item record
Create temporary drawer/call number on a sticky note
Refile in Rovi cabinet to await cataloger requests
Asst Head of CMS will:
Maintain a dynamic list of Rovi DVDs requiring review and share on Google Sheets
DVDs with no records
DVDs are sometimes discovered with no existing record in the catalog. In these cases:
Search for the item by UPC code and/or other means in Sierra
If a match is found (i.e., UPC codes match on both pieces), add an additional item record for the title in hand
If no match is found:
Create a brief bib with no cat date, status z
Create an order record with n note T-LOC Rovi
Make any further notes as needed to distinguish items that are redundant copies (e.g., "third copy of Teletubbies")
Return item to drawer
Cataloging review
The Rovi unit will:
Fill a box with DVDs from the list as requests are received