Lost and paid
Lost and paid
MSU TechServices
Emily Sanford (Unlicensed)
Cataloging Maintenance (Unlicensed)
Owned by MSU TechServices
Summary: Procedure details several workflows for the editing of records when items are lost and paid.
Patron Services lost & paid
- Patron pays for an item that he/she checked out but cannot find.
- Patron Services staff collects payment in MilCirc, which automatically checks in the item and places a $ in the status field of the staff view of item record. This status displays in the online catalog as "LOST: TRY ILL.
- If an item with status $ is checked in after being paid for, the system automatically removes the status $.
Graduate lockers lost & paid
- Main Office Switches the Locks out for Lost and Paid Graduate Lockers.
- Pull a new lock/key from available locks.
- Pull the corresponding key card and write a new locker number on it.
- Pull current locker key card, write barcode on back and deactivation date (ask CatMan) to cross locker # off once CatMan's part is done).
- Take both cards to Lisa English.
- Catalog Maintenance Receives Lock and Key Cards from the Main Office for New and Old Barcodes
- Main Office sends CatMan cards to deactivate barcodes for old Locks and will also send the replacement card that will need a new barcode.
- Each card will have a locker, key number, and barcode on it.
- Main Office will indicate which card is the new lock/key, and which is the old lock/key
- Retain the original item record for Lock/key Item records that are not lost and paid.
- Barcoding and Retaining Lost and Paid Records
- Old Item Records that are NOT Lost and Paid. Switch the Old Barcode with a New Barcode
- Search Sierra by barcode number. From the Main Office's locker/key card, compare the lock, key number, and barcode to verify that you've pulled up the correct item record.
- If you do not have the barcode, search Sierra by this record number .b42058090, Title: Key graduate locker."
- Find the matching locker and key number in the item summary screen.
- Stop if the item record has any lost and paid information. The lost and paid formation needs to be preserved.
- Regular items with NO lost and paid information
- Replace or switch the old barcode with a new barcode retaining the same item record.
- Save changes and return the card to the Main Office.
- Steps for Lost and Paid Item Records
- Bring up the summary or find the item that matches the barcode.
- An item with lost and paid information needs to be suppressed.
- Insert a note "Retain for inv#." date/initial at the end of the lost and paid note.
- Save changes to the lost and paid item record.
- Click on ADD new Item record.
- Insert a volume field duplicating the same pattern as other items.
- Use the correct location code.
- Insert a new barcode for the lock and key.
- Place the NEW barcode on the card that the Main Office has given to you.
- Save changes and return cards to the Main Office.
- Old Item Records that are NOT Lost and Paid. Switch the Old Barcode with a New Barcode
- Final Step: The Main Office will send an email to the student requesting that they stop at Circ to check out a new key.
ILS lost & Paid
- Current ILS Lost & Paid items will appear in the monthly list run by Catalog Maintenance and processed at the same time the 90-day-old Lost & Paid items are withdrawn.
- A "p" is added to the IMESSAGE field in the lost item record.
- A problem note "e" is added which states: IF RETURNED, SEND TO CATMAN for record reconciliation (See Group Leader) xx/xx/xxxx.initials.
- Add the following note to the end of the "j" billing note.
- "Retain item for inv#" for ILL items that have been invoiced.
- "Retain item for payment info." for billed MSU patrons.
- The item or bib is suppressed depending on the situation (unique holdings, multi holdings, etc.).
- If suppressing an item record (ICode2=s) from a multi-location bib, the item location is suppressed from public view, but wait to remove the bib location from the record until after 90 days when the item is officially withdrawn.
- After 90 days when the item can be withdrawn, remove the volume from the holdings in the matching checkin record or the bib. record 866 fields.
Catalog Maintenance
- Catalog Maintenance will compile a monthly item list on items with status $ and then withdraw those with the last checkin date 90 days ago.
- CatMan will also do the suppression for current Patron Services Lost & Paid and current ILS Lost & Paid soon after the item has been placed in Lost and Paid status.
- In the withdrawal process, if unable to delete item records because of a hold, return the printout to Patron Services Holds Processor for resolution of the hold. Once the hold is removed the withdrawal can be completed. If unable to delete items because it's still on reserve, work with Course Reserves or Branch to resolve the problem and then do a withdrawal.
- If withdrawing the last copy from the record, verify that the Instance record has the "Suppressed from the discovery" box checked.
- Serial withdrawals are handled by an authorized serial person, following the guidelines below to the extent they can.
- Print a copy of the bib and item record for Bib Support if withdrawing the last copy or the only issue on multi-volume records from a record.
- Instance record updates:
- Remove any 856 URL linking fields. Links that are no longer working cause problems when they appear in URL broken link checks.
- Add OCLC numbers to the "OCLC to delete" file and remove the 035 from the Instance record.
- If an order record is linked to the Instance record, insert the following 590 note in the order record note field, "HOLDINGS WITHDRAWN [c.# and/or numbers/years withdrawn] per L&P.xx/xx/xxxx.initials. The initials after the date include the selector that authorized the withdrawal and the CatMan staff that processed the withdrawal.
- HOLDING Records updates:
- Verify that the holdings record has the "Suppressed from discovery" box checked off.
- Update the holdings if withdrawing a duplicate copy or part of a multi-volume work removing the volume or copy, etc. that is being withdrawn.
- In the item record, insert a Staff only Problem Note stating "HOLDINGS WITHDRAWN [c.# and/or numbers/years withdrawn] per L&P.xx/xx/xxxx.initials retain item for Inv.# for 90 days".
- The following is one exception for when it is OK to delete a lost and paid item record before the end of the 90-day wait. Lost and paid item records that can be deleted before the 90-day wait are those items that have a documented note in the item record that the item has been returned, and then later the item is withdrawn due to reasons unrelated to the original lost and paid problem.
- Item record updates are found in the Removing Records from Catalog procedure.
- If the item record being withdrawn has an Invoice number (inv.#) in the Staff only ILL Note field or a patron invoice note, those items will remain in the catalog for 90 days, which is when the refund period has passed.
- Catalog Maintenance stamps the printout of the bib and item with the withdrawn stamp that has the date of the withdrawal. The printouts are given to a CatMan staff person who completes the second phase of the withdrawal process, which is to complete the withdrawal and/or delete the titles from the catalog and remove holdings from OCLC, and then send the original printouts and any accompanying information to Bib. Support.
- Bib. Support shares the information with the appropriate bibliographer. The bibliographer determines whether to re-order the title or not. If the decision is made to re-order, Bib. Support forwards the print that has the withdrawn stamp on it to Acquisitions with the order request. We have learned that various human factors affect this very organized process. Patrons find the material after it has been withdrawn and it gets returned to the library at which time the record is restored. If Acquisitions gets an order for a lost and paid title and there is a recent record in the catalog, it is not necessarily a problem, but something that got returned and restored. The information about the restore should go back to Bib. Support for the bibliographer to make a decision about additional copies.
Returned lost & paid books
- Returned Lost and Paid books that have "n" suppressed bib and item record, should be reinstated. Records that have a "w" suppression status need a cataloged record overlaying the record. (Within 90-days after the item has been placed in lost and paid status, no refunds are issued for returned L&P books unless the patron initiates one.)
- Staff suppressed records: in the instance record, remove the checkmark in the Staff suppressed box.
- In the holdings:
- Remove the checkmark from the Suppressed from discovery box.
- Verify the permanent location code is what it should be.
- Insert or restore the LC Call number in the holdings record.
- Add 866 if the title is a multi-volume.
- Adjust the Holdings type if needed.
- Item Record updates:
- Remove the "p"` from the IMessage field.
- In the "j" ILL Note, after the INVOICE inv.#) insert a note that the book has been returned:
Example: j To be billed via MelCat 4/11/12 rjh, Inv. 17851-pcw - Book Returned 8/23/12.lme - Remove both "e" problem notes: "IF RETURNED, SEND TO CATMAN..." and the other note, "HOLDINGS WITHDRAWN date/initials] Retain item for inv# for 90 days"
- Update the location if needed.
- Make a printout of the record for the Main office Accounting Department to close the invoice. Insert this note just after the invoice # in the "j" ILL Note, "Book returned [date/initials]"
- On the printout write, "Book Returned [date]. Close invoice." Once a week or month deliver the printouts to the MAIN office.
Contact | Don Depoorter |
Team | CatMan |
Updated | April 2018 |
Created | April 2018 |
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