- MSU TechServices
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Summary: This procedure is no longer in use. See more current procedures on cataloging items for the Faculty Book Collection (FBC).
This procedure is out-of-date and no longer reviewed or updated. The information below is retained for historic value. Do not use in current cataloging.
Books for FBC will be delivered to the appropriate shelf in Copy Cataloging/Acquisitions. Head of Special Collections will review books to determine which will be added to FBC and which will be cataloged for Main, branches and other locations. Books selected to be featured in the Faculty Book Reception (held each spring) must be sent to Administrative Staff for recording before cataloging continues. The following steps pertain to books to be cataloged for FBC.
- Titles could be new or they could be adds to a copy in Main, or somewhere in the Library system. See General Information below for location placement for faculty books.
- Nothing will be stamped above the call number in the pieces.
- In paperbacks, the call number should be written on the back of the title page, in the middle of the page.
- Hard bound pieces without a paper cover should have the call number penciled in the upper left corner of the inside cover as usual.
- Hard bound pieces with a paper cover should have the call number penciled in the upper left corner of the cover AND penciled on the verso of the first fly leaf, in the upper left corner.
- If the title is new, follow established copy cataloging procedures, including the following unique steps:
- use EEMR in the 049 field and use dv as location in the 949 field
- add 590 to the bib: MSU Stanley C. and Selma D. Hollander Faculty Book Collection.
- export the record as usual
- in Sierra, make these edits to the item record:
- insert an "f" in the ICode2 field for all faculty books and supplements
- insert an "f" staff note adding this note, "[YEAR] needed for FBC reception."
- If the title is an add, follow established add procedures, including these steps:
- assign next available copy number and include copy number in call number in piece
- change bib location to multi, if needed, and add dv location
- add 590 to the bib: MSU Stanley C. and Selma D. Hollander Faculty Book Collection
- create an item record with dv location and the appropriate copy number
- insert an "f" in the ICode2 field for all faculty books and supplements
- If a book is selected for FBC, but is to be shelved in Main, Branch libraries, or as a second copy in a non-FBC location:
- stamp with "Previously Shelved in Faculty Book Collection"
- add 590 to the bib: MSU Stanley C. and Selma D. Hollander Faculty Book Collection
- insert an "f" in the ICode2 field in the item record
- Pieces destined for Special Collections should not be written in or stamped; deliver book to Special Collections closet after cataloging.
- Pieces that measure to fit the Oversize Coll. parameters should be processed for the Oversize Coll.
- add 590 to the bib: MSU Stanley C. and Selma D. Hollander Faculty Book Collection
- insert an "f" in the ICode2 field in the item record
- All material should be kept on one truck(s) and the truck should be delivered to labeling with the label, Faculty Book Truck. The truck should be assigned a number as usual. The pieces require special processing in labeling so they should be kept together.
General information and exceptional circumstances:
- If a copy already exists in the FBC, contact Head of Special Collections about the title. It will be returned to Head of SPC or added to a different collection.
- Location placement for faculty book is subject to the discretion of Head of Special Collections: IN GENERAL, the first copy of a faculty book is sent to the Faculty Book Collection, even if the call number would normally place it in a branch library. Branch libraries include Business and Gull Lake. Any additional copies after the first copy are sent to their respective Main Stacks or branch locations. Exceptions to this rule include all Fine Arts (includes art & music), Turfgrass, and Map Library faculty books are sent to their respective locations instead of the Faculty Book collection shelves.
- If the title could be cataloged as a serial, check with an Original Serial Cataloger. If cataloged as a serial, we need to have an added entry for the MSU person. If the title has a unique title, even though it is part of a serial, consult an Original Serial Cataloger about processing the title as a cat sep.
- If title is part of a serial and it has a unique individual title, consider analyzing the specific volume, especially if there is copy for the title. A checkin record will have to be create for the Faculty Book Coll., with the holdings and a note would need to be added to the checkin record that only pieces for the Faculty Book Coll. are analyzed, if the other locations are not analyzed. If there are questions, consult Head of Copy Cataloging.
- Books to be cataloged for FBC may be immediately desired as course reserves. In this case, catalog for FBC as usual, then contact Reserves to initiate temporary relocation of the piece to course reserves.
Contact | Autumn Faulkner |
Team | CMS |
Updated | April 2018 |
Created | April 2018 |