New books shelf (obsolete)
New books shelf (obsolete)
Emily Sanford (Unlicensed)
MSU TechServices
Owned by Emily Sanford (Unlicensed)
Summary: Procedure provides guidance on the processing of new materials to be placed on the new bookshelf.
This procedure was archived in 2023 and is obsolete. The information below is retained for historic value. It is not reviewed or updated.
Change previous week’s review file location to MAIN
- Log into Sierra using INV initials and password. See group leader for password instructions.
- From the Function menu, go to Rapid Update.
- From the "Select record type to modify" box, choose ITEM.
- Choose "Review" from the drop-down box located on the left side of the screen, then from the "Review file" drop-down screen, scroll down through the list until the correct day’s file is found and highlight it. All five files are located in a cluster with their location/date (ex. NEW BOOKS Monday 2/3/03).
- In the FIELD box enter “79” for LOCATION.
- In the VALUE box enter “mn”.
- Click on the START button to the right of the Review file selection box.
- Once the file is complete, click on [Close] Icon to clear the fields.
Empty last week’s data from the review file
- Go to the CREATE LIST function in Sierra.
- Locate the file that you just edited in RAPID Update (Lists #109-113) and open it.
- Look at one of the records to verify that the location is "mn" and then close the file.
- Empty the file by clicking on the EMPTY icon at the top of the screen.
- Click on the RENAME icon and name the file for the day you are doing. (Ex.: MONDAY). This will help you find the file when you do the transfer later in PuTTY.
Scan barcodes for books ready to be shelved into handheld scanner barcodes on the new book truck for the day.
- Before scanning new books, empty the scanner of any old barcodes that may not have been deleted.
- Plug USB cord into scanner and computer.
- Open Opticon Scanner software.
- Click "Delete Barcodes." Click again if you do not hear the beep.
- Unplug scanner from computer and use scanner to scan the barcodes on the New Book truck. Be sure to scan the books in call number order.
Transfer Scanned Barcodes into Opticon Scanner Software
- Open Opticon scanner software.
- Make sure status lights are all green, and display boxes are all unchecked.
- At check marked “Save to file,” click on the dropdown box (...), name the file "Barcodes.txt" and save to your desktop.
- Do not download barcodes from scanner before you click the save box.
- Click the "Get Barcodes" button. (Located below the "Options" headings)
- Close scanner software.
Transferring barcodes from scanner into the Sierra database
- Open desktop Notepad icon (Barcodes.txt file). Barcodes should now be in the file.
- Select all barcodes (Notepad barcodes.txt file.)
- Using the "Replace" command from the edit menu
- "Find What" = 31293
- "Replace with" = n:31293
- Click "Replace All"
- Closeout of the replace box.
- Select all (n:31293...) barcodes in the notepad Barcodes.txt file.
- Copy all (n:31293...) barcodes. Leave the notepad file open until barcodes have been pasted into the circ.dat file.
- OPEN Circ.dat file: (My Computer > open local Disk C > Millennium file > Offline > "circ.dat file")
- Paste barcodes into circ.dat file.
- Open MILLENIUM OFFLINE icon (empty or erase files.)
- Save the barcodes in the circ.date file > ave as text document > Yes save over existing file.
- Minimize file. (Do not empty circ.dat file.)
- Now empty the notepad Barcodes.txt file. (select all barcodes > file > delete > save) Close out.
- Find "File" > select "Upload Circulation and patron data ..."
- Answer "YES" to question, "Is the server ready to receive data? If so, choose YES to upload data."
- An "Upload to server" box will pop up. Note the number of transactions that has been sent. It will help you identify your file later and verify that all barcodes came thru correctly.
- Click OK to Exit box.
- Answer "NO" when prompted to clear the file
- You may now minimize the Millennium Offline window. We want to keep the file until the process is completely done in case a barcode does not transfer properly.
Transferring barcodes to a review file
- Log into a PuTTY session. See group leader for Sierra login/password info.
- At the main menu, select <C> CIRCULATION Subsystem.
- <C> COMPARE inventory to shelf list
- <T> TRANSFER file of barcodes to a Review File
- On the "Select Review File To Transter To" page, select the file for the day you are transferring the INV file from.
- At the "Enter review file name" prompt at bottom of screen, type in the file name.
- (Ex. NEW BOOKS Monday - [date], press <ENTER>.
- The file you just transferred into the system should be the last file in the list. The # of items in the list should match the number of items transferred into the circ.dat file and Millennium Offline files earlier.
- To be sure you are in the correct file, check the date and time it was entered. (Other libraries could also be loading files here.)
- Select< R > REMOVE last week's inventory files. > Type in the number <#> of the file from last week that you want to remove.
- Answer <Y>, YES at the "Are you sure?" prompt.
- Select < N > to name the new file.
- Choose the number of the file you just loaded today. (See trainer if the file name is not in the list.)
- Type in the day of the week (lower case) after the "rdi...." prompt, then press ENTER. Example: rdimonday
- Select the # of the file you just put in and named. You should get a message "Transfer completed.
- If transfer is complete you will be asked, "Remove transferred file rdi...? (y/n)" Say NO here. File can be used as a backup and will be deleted the following week.
- If you do not get the "Transfer completed...." message, the system will tell you how many barcodes did not transfer and ask if you want to view them. Answer Yes to view them ...
- If the system shows you no barcode, you may have a barcode in the scanner list that did not scan correctly and is missing a digit(s) or has an error in the scanned barcode. Or...
- If the system does show a barcode, the barcode in the item record may have a wrong tag or the barcode never got entered into the item record.
- See Barcode problems (obsolete) to fix these problems.
- If the transfer is complete with no errors, that means the files have transferred into the Sierra Create list file.
Set the inventory date for new books
- <C> COMPARE file of barcodes to shelf list
- <#> Choose the number of the file for the day you are processing.
- A > List ALL items, then press S > Stop, immediately after the system starts running. This will cause the system to cease searching through the ENTIRE database. There is no reason to do this, but there is no way around it at this time.
- <Q> Quit – The information on this screen is currently not relevant to the needs of this process.
- Update inventory date for inventoried items? Answer YES. (This time WAIT until it finishes running), then press <SPACE> Updating complete
- Remove inventory file? Answer No. This file can be used as a backup and will be deleted the following week.
- <Q> Quit to ***Main Menu***
- In Sierra Create List, the file should now have INV ownership. If not, claim ownership of the create list file for the day you are working on. (On the top right of the screen Click "Own" icon, or > Tools > Claim Ownership)
List item locations from Create Lists
- From Sierra click on File.
- Drop down to Select printer and then click on "Standard Printer"
- Click on "E-mail Printer" and then type your e-mail address in the text box. Click OK
- Find your new book list in Create List and click on the list to highlight it.
- CLICK on List Records icon in the top toolbar.
- Under TYPE select "i" for ITEM records
- In the field heading select the location field (79).
- Hold the Alt key and type the letter "a" to add a line to the request.
- In the Type heading, type "i" for item records.
- Field type the number 81 to include record numbers in the e-mail.
- Type 1 in the Number of blank lines between records. Leave checks in the default fields.
- Click to Print List (sending to your e-mail address)
- Books that do not have the "mn" Main location code need to be pulled off the truck and directed to the correct location or fixed. Verify that the book has the correct location before redirecting it to the corresponding location code.
- Now you can change the item locations to the proper day of the week for the new bookshelves.
Change location to proper new book day
- Open RAPID UPDATE mode in Sierra.
- Select record type to modify: ITEM
- In the Review file drop-down box, scroll down list until the correct day’s file is found and highlight it
- In the FIELD box enter “79” for LOCATION.
- In the VALUE box enter the proper new book day location (mnmon, mntue, mnwed, mnthu, or mnfri).
- Click on the START button to the right of the Review file selection box.
- Once the file is complete, click on Close Icon to clear the fields.
- Go back into Create Lists mode in Sierra, select the file you just updated and verify the location is correct.
Clearing Millennium Offline Circulation file, Opticon scanner, and circ.date files
- Millennium Offline Circ.
- In Millennium Offline Circ.Click on "File" > Select "Erase circulation transactions...".
- Answer "YES" when prompted for "Are you sure ...?"
- Answer "OK" when asked to "Cleared circulation file" prompt,
- Closeout of Millennium Offline Circ.
- Empty Circ.Dat file. Highlight items to delete > Save changes > Exit out of circ.dat
- Empty Opticon Scanner file.
- Closeout of OPN2001 file if you have not already and then reopen it.
Shelve books on the New Books shelves
- The final step of this process is to deliver and shelve the books according to the appropriate day on the New Books shelves (located near the north stairwell).
Contact | Don Depoorter |
Team | CatMan |
Updated | March 2023 |
Created | April 2018 |
, multiple selections available,
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