Old workstats
- Emily Sanford (Unlicensed)
Summary: This procedure governed worstat construction prior to April 2015. The codes below are retained for historic value, and are not currently in active use. For current codes, see Workstats formatting.
This procedure is archived. The information below is retained for historic value. Do not use workstats in current cataloging and processing.
General guidelines
In general, a stats code is not required if your cataloging procedure does not include creation of an item record, either through SkyRiver by inclusion of the i= / command in the 949 bib record field or by attaching an item using Sierra.
If the piece you are cataloging is not a new acquisition (i.e., you have an item pulled from the stacks and you are cataloging it for the first time, or you are recataloging from monograph to serial or vice versa), do not include a “w” note in the item record. Material shelved in the stacks has already been included in the Libraries’ ARL count, so including the work stats code in the item would count that piece twice. If you suspect the piece you're working with is an exception, consult with your team manager.
Cataloging statistics will be counted using a work stats note in the item record of each cataloged piece. The work stats note may be added to the 949 field in SkyRiver for export into the online catalog (*i= /loc=[loc]/w=[work stats note]).
The basic format for the cataloging statistics note consists of three parts - team code, category, and the cataloger's initials. Do not separate sections with a space, dash, comma, slash, or semicolon.
- teamcategoryinitials
When cataloging non-print materials, add the total number of pieces (even if the total is 1) following the cataloger’s initials, separated by a comma.
- teamcategoryinitials,#
When cataloging Government Documents materials retrieved from the stacks, use gd for category. Do not add additional coding to represent type of material or format, such as “mono” or “mf”. Include a comma and a piece count only if required by your team manager. [Note: When cataloging Government Documents new receipts, use regular monographs and serials workstats codes.]
- teamgdinitials
Team Codes
dc | DataCat | |
aq | Acquisitions | |
cms | Cataloging & Metadata Services |
Print monographs
- ORIGMONO for original monograph cataloging
- COPYMONO for monograph copy cataloging
- ADDMONO for monograph added copies, locations, and volumes
- SUPPL for print supplementary material
- ANAL for both original and copy cataloging of anals
Print serials
- ORIGSER for original serials records
- COPYSER for serials copy cataloging
- ADDSER for serial adds
Non-print formats
- ORIGMF for original cataloging for all microforms
- COPYMF for copy cataloging for all microforms
- ADDMF for microforms adds
- SUPPLMF for microforms supplementary materials
- THSMF for microfiche copies of MSU theses and dissertations
- ORIGCF for orig. cat. for all physical computer files including discs, disks, CD-ROMs, DVD-ROMs
- COPYCF for copy cat. for all physical computer files including discs, disks, CD-ROMs, DVD-ROMs
- ADDCF for computer files adds
- SUPPLCF for computer files supplementary materials
- ORIGAUD for orig. cat. for audio discs, cassettes, music CDs, audio CDs
- COPYAUD for copy cat. for audio discs, cassettes, music CDs, audio CDs
- ADDAUD for audio adds
- SUPPLAUD for audio supplementary materials
- ORIGMOV for orig. cat. for VHS cassettes, DVDs, and other video formats
- COPYMOV for copy cat. for VHS cassettes, DVDs, and other video formats
- ADDMOV for video adds
- SUPPLMOV for video supplementary materials
- ORIGGRPH for orig. cat. for prints, pictures, photos, slides, postcards, transparencies
- COPYGRPH for copy cat. for prints, pictures, photos, slides, postcards, transparencies
- ADDGRPH for print/picture/photo/slides/postcards/transparencies adds
- SUPPLGRPH for print/picture/photo/slides/postcards/transparencies supplements
- ORIGEMONO$ for purchased electronic (online) books cataloged originally
- COPYEMONO$ for purchased electronic (online) books cataloged from copy
- ORIGESER$ for purchased electronic (online) serials cataloged originally
- COPYESER$ for purchased electronic (online) serials cataloged from copy
- ORIGEMONO for free e-books cataloged originally
- COPYEMONO for free e-books cataloged from copy
- ORIGESER for free e-serials cataloged originally
- COPYESER for free e-serials cataloged from copy
- ORIGWEB for web pages and databases cataloged originally
- COPYWEB for web pages and databases cataloged from copy
- ETHS for MSU electronic thesis/dissertations
Other print formats
- ORIGMAP for original cataloging of maps
- COPYMAP for copy cataloging of maps
- ADDMAP for map adds
- SUPPLMAP for supplementary maps
- THS for MSU thesis/dissertations
- ADDTHS for MSU thesis/dissertations added volumes
- MSS for manuscripts
Government Documents (MARCIVE record load use only; do NOT include catalogers' initials with these codes)
- DCGDAUD for MARCIVE record audio materials
- DCGDCF for MARCIVE computer files, including discs, disks, CDs
- DCGDGRPH for MARCIVE prints, pictures, photos, slides, postcards, transparencies
- DCGDMF for MARCIVE records in micro formats; add a comma (,) and the number of fiche sheets or film reels
- DCGDMOV for MARCIVE VHS cassettes, DVDs, and other video formats
- DCGDPRNT for MARCIVE record print formats; also use this code for each item attached to multi-volume works
- DCGDSER for MARCIVE record serials
- DCGDWEB for MARCIVE web pages and databases
Miscellaneous other
- RESTORE for DataCat team use
- GD for retrospective Government Documents cataloging done in TS (materials retrieved from the stacks)
Cataloger's initials
The cataloger's initials complete the statistics code. Use the same 3-letter initials you use to log on to the online catalog.
Examples (where xxx represents the cataloger's initials):
Cataloging category | Item record workstat code |
Single volume print monograph cataloged in Acquisitions using SkyRiver copy | aqcopymonoxxx |
3-volume monograph set cataloged in DataCat using SkyRiver copy | dccopymonoxxx in the first item record, and dcaddmonoxxx in the second and third item records |
Added volume to an existing monographic set record, done by staff in Acquisitions | aqaddmonoxxx |
Print serial cataloged in DataCat using existing SkyRiver copy | dccopyserxxx |
Microfiche cataloged in Acquisitions using existing SkyRiver copy; 5 fiche total | aqcopymfxxx,5 |
A 1-reel microfilm title cataloged originally in CMS | cmsorigmfxxx,1 |
Music score (monograph) cataloged in DataCat using existing SkyRiver copy | dccopymonoxxx |
Added location for a monograph already owned in MN, cataloged by staff in Acquisitions | aqaddmonoxxx |
Electronic serial (purchased by the library) cataloged in Cataloging and Metadata Services using existing SkyRiver copy | cmscopyeser$xxx |
Volume added by staff in DataCat to an already cataloged serial | dcaddserxxx |
Added branch location for a thesis already owned in MN, processed by DataCat staff | dcaddthsxxx |
Thesis cataloged in Cataloging and Metadata Services | cmsthsxxx |
2 volume thesis cataloged in Cataloging and Metadata Services | cmsthsxxx in first item record, and cmsaddthsxxx in second item record |
Gov Doc retrieved from the stacks and cataloged in Cataloging and Metadata Services | cmsgdxxx |
MARCIVE bib record for a 6-fiche US document | dcgdmf,6 |
MARCIVE bib record for a 3-vol print US document | dcgdprnt in each item record created |
How to insert the note in an online catalog item record
- Display the item record
- Click on the insert icon
- Click on the drop-down menu and choose w (work stats)
- Initiate your macro to add the workstats code
- Click OK
- Display the item record
- Press CTRL-i, and then w
- Initiate your macro to add the workstats code
- Press ALT-o
When to insert a code for serials cataloging
- Add a “W” note to the item record for
- hardbound serials
- softbound serials that receive a barcode and are shelved without binding (i.e., serials that are not sent to Bind Prep immediately after cataloging)
- Do NOT add a “W” note to the item for
- softbound serials sent to Bind Prep from Technical Services
- softbound serials that are not barcoded
Serials catalogers should use judgment when it is unclear if a code is needed or what code should be used.
Contact | Joshua Barton |
Team | CMS |
Updated | April 2018 |
Created | April 2018 |