CMS workflows & handoffs

Summary: A table of workflows that pass through both the copy and original cataloging teams, with shelving locations and responsible staff members. (Does not reflect all assigned cataloging responsibilities; just streams of materials that involve handoffs.)

In general, all workflows are handled at the copy cataloging level first. Items are only bumped to the indicated original cataloger or arrearage if needed. 

Locations referred to:

  • Copycat wall → multiple shelves on cubicle wall between W110 (Kay's office) and W109 (Joshua's office)
  • Copycat problem truck → truck for problem items outside W106-H (Autumn's office), i.e. "wonky truck"
WorkflowCopy catalogerDrop-off locationIf no copy, sent to:Drop-off location

Cherish Vorgias

Addcat shelf, copycat wallAutumn FaulknerCopycat problem truck
Add vols & associated problemsCherish VorgiasSet add problem shelf, copycat wallAutumn FaulknerCopycat problem truck
Adds-to-withdrawnCherish VorgiasCataloger's deskAutumn FaulknerCopycat problem truck
Analytics, serial (print)TBD – Cherish?Serial analytics shelf, copycat walln/a (continually searched)n/a

Analytics, serial (electronic)

n/an/aJanet Baldwinn/a
Analytics, setCherish VorgiasSet analytics shelf, copycat wallAutumn FaulknerCopycat problem truck
AudiobooksTina AndrewsMedia cabinetJanet Baldwin

Media cabinet


Cataloger's desk

Cat sepsTina AndrewsCat seps shelf, copycat wall

T Loc H

(after going to Kim W. for order record creation)

T Loc H truck

CD- and DVD-ROMs, including:

  • software or applications
  • ebooks
    • files, documents, media
Tina AndrewsMedia cabinetJanet Baldwin

Media cabinet


Cataloger's desk

Children's literature

Tina Andrews

Vicki Walker (backup)

Children's lit shelf, copycat wall

Mike Erickson

Vicki Walker (backup)

Cataloger's desk

Collection renewalCherish VorgiasCataloger's deskAutumn FaulknerCopycat problem truck
Conservation Lab materialsTina Andrews

Electronic resources, including:

  • Bibtrack/Webcat requests
  • Online serial analytics
n/an/aJanet Baldwinn/a
Faculty Book CollectionVicki WalkerCataloger's deskVicki WalkerCataloger's desk
International gov doc hybridsCherish VorgiasGov docs shelf, copycat wall

Mike Erickson

(NOTE: these are continually searched and usually no original cataloging is needed)

International Monetary Fund monographs (gov docs)Cherish VorgiasCataloger's deskMike EricksonCataloger's desk
Maps & atlasesAndrea McCulloh

Maps materials shelf on wall by server room, ILL area

If necessary (oversize/unusual items), drawer 9 flat file by Joshua's office (please email Andrea if delivering here)

Tim Kiser

Maps materials shelf in TS, or Map Library, or cataloger's office (E-208 stairwell entrance, near Maps Library on 2 East)

As needed (rare/fragile items), drawer 10 flat file by Joshua's office (please email Tim if delivering here)

Michigan plat booksAndrea McCulloh

Maps materials shelf on wall by server room, ILL area

If necessary (oversize/unusual items), drawer 9 flat file by Joshua's office (please email Andrea if delivering here)

Tim Kisern/a


(those belonging to no special workflows; includes gifts and various approval plans as well as firm orders)

Cherish VorgiasCopy cataloging shelves, copycat wallT Loc HT Loc H truck 
MSU PressCherish VorgiasFlag and place on copycat shelvesAutumn FaulknerCopycat problem truck


  • books about music (M call numbers)
  • books with supplementary music material
  • print scores
  • sound recordings
Vicki Walker

Music shelf on copycat wall


Media cabinet

Vicki Walker

Music shelf on copycat wall


Media cabinet

Music sound recordingsVicki WalkerMedia cabinetVicki WalkerMedia cabinet
Preservation photocopiesTina AndrewsCataloger's deskAutumn FaulknerCopycat problem truck
Remote cataloging problems - monographs

Autumn Faulkner

(Laura Carter for Russian/Cyrillic)

Mike Erickson
Remote cataloging problems -serials 

Loretta Fiacco

Loretta Fiacco
ROVI CD enhancementVicki WalkerCataloger's desk

Vicki Walker

Janet Baldwin (backup)

Cataloger's desk
ROVI DVD enhancementTina AndrewsCataloger's deskJanet BaldwinCataloger's desk

Tina Andrews 

Cherish Vorgias (backup)

RUSH shelf, copycat wall

Janet Baldwin

Autumn Faulkner

Cataloger's desk


(firm orders, gifts)

TBDCataloger's deskT Loc HST Loc HS truck


(T Loc HS, confirmation orders, backlogs)

TBD?Loretta Fiacco?
Shelf-ready problems

Cherish Vorgias

Beth Nugent

Shelves by Cherish's cubicleT Loc HT Loc H truck
SPC monographsCathy IllmanSPC copycat shelves by door to HR

most often:
Mike Erickson

Kate Ojibway

but open to all original catalogers 

SPC original shelves by door to HR (include pink problem streamer)
SPC serials


SPC copycat shelves by door to HR

Joshua Barton

Loretta Fiacco

Emily Sanford

SPC original shelves by door to HR, shelf labeled "serials"(include pink problem streamer)
SPC RUSHCathy IllmanShelf in cubicle??

Supplementary non-print 

(non-music only)

Tina AndrewsMedia cabinetJanet Baldwin Media cabinet
Turfgrass BeardTina AndrewsTurfgrass shelf, copycat wallMike EricksonCataloger's desk
Turfgrass monographs – NO LONGER A SEPARATE CATEGORY – ALL TF IS NOW DONE AS TF BEARDTina AndrewsCopy cataloging shelves, copycat wallMike EricksonCataloger's desk
Turfgrass serials



Joshua Barton

Loretta Fiacco

Emily Sanford

T Loc An/an/aAll original catalogersT Loc A truck
T Loc H searchingBeth Nugentn/aT Loc AT Loc A truck
T Loc NR input & searchingCathy IllmanInput shelves above phone desk across from Joshua's office

T Loc NR 

(after going to Kim W. for order record creation)



(includes RUSH & reserves)

Tina AndrewsMedia cabinetJanet BaldwinMedia cabinet

ContactAutumn Faulkner

November 2021

CreatedFebruary 2019