Oversize items

Summary: This procedure details the parameters of oversize items at MSUL in certain collection areas, as well as unique bib and item record components for these oversize materials.

Measurement guidelines

  • Measurements of materials are always rounded up, meaning that the actual size and the recorded size of a piece will differ slightly
    • Example: A book with a height of 30.5 cm will be recorded as 31cm in the 300 field.
  • Oversize determinations are always made on the recorded size of the piece
  • Height measurements are always recorded
  • Depth measurements are only recorded for oversize or irregular pieces
    • Record depth using an to separate height and depth measurements
    • Example: 300 __ 304 pages ; $c 26 x 30cm

Main and Art Library

A piece is oversize if:

  • Recorded height is 31cm or more (actual height is greater than 30cm)
  • Recorded width of 31cm or more (actual depth is greater than 30cm)
  • Piece has recorded size of BOTH 24cm tall AND 24cm wide (actual size is greater than 23 x 23 cm)

Any piece meeting one of these criteria should be processed as follows:

  • Stamp with the Oversize Coll. location stamp.
  • Write the call number in the piece as usual.
    • There is no need to include the old "f." in the call number, nor "folio" for Art Library materials.
  • Use the following location codes when exporting a record:
    • 049 field = QEMS
    • 948 field for Folio holdings record, use location code = mnov
  • Do not use a "f." or any folio notation (in the bibliographical sense) in the call number in our catalog.
  • Deliver to shelves in Catman for locations other than Main (i.e. not to Current Processing trucks)

CatMan will ensure any piece with the Oversize Coll. stamp receives an OVERSIZE label on the outside of the piece, above the call number label.

Locations other than the Oversize Coll. and Art Library will no longer require any folio or oversize information. No "f." will appear in any call number in any title that is being processed now.

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Music Library has specific guidelines for oversize materials.

M call numbers

  • Are always scores
  • Oversize conventions apply to Music scores when it measures over 42 cm high and 36 cm depth.
  • Holdings / Item location muovr
  • Place the |foversize|a in the front of the call number in the catalog record.
    • Or if creating holdings or item from scratch in Folio, enter "oversize" in call number prefix.
  • Music will place the letter "O" on the piece after it arrives there.

ML and MT call numbers no longer have a separate oversize location.

  • 049 EEMM and 948 holdings location code mu are used as normal.

Post-cataloging processing info

  • Labeling for oversize will include the word oversize placed above the call number label on the outside of the book. Oversize is placed above the call number label to provide shelving information for Art and Main Library materials.
  • The word folio will no longer appear in the call number.
  • The appearance of the Oversize location in the catalog will direct users to the appropriate area in the Library to retrieve the piece.
  • ML and MT re-labels may appear with the old f. in the call number. When we find these, the f. should be removed from the call number and the word oversize placed above the call number label on the outside of the book. The catalog should also be edited to have the correct oversize location code.

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ContactJoshua Barton
UpdatedJune 2023
CreatedApril 2018