Serials: Cease procedure
Serials: Cease procedure
Tim Kiser (Unlicensed)
Owned by Tim Kiser (Unlicensed)
Mar 30, 2018
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Summary: This page describes procedures to follow when a serial ceases publication.
This page describes Millennium procedures and needs to be updated.
Cease procedure
- In Millennium Serials, call up the record. Update check-in card. Delete all boxes that are after the cease. Add a box with the status “BLANK” and key in a note field that reads “Ceased; see order record. There is no need to suppress this box. It appears that when a status “BLANK” box is the last box in the card, it does not display in public mode. We will not update the identity field since it is no longer visible in the public display.
- Update the order record. Change the STATUS to “z”. Change MISC to “e” and CDATE to today’s date. Add an external note that reads, “Ceased (today’s date); cease with v. _____ per (whoever told you about the cease – publisher, vendor, OCLC, etc.).
- In character based MAGIC, print off a complete copy of the bib and order record. This is best accomplished in update mode since all of the MARC fields and the entire record prints with one print command.
- Make 3 copies of the order record and 1 copy of whatever proof of cease you have. These will be used to notify locations or people who need to know about the cease.
- Assemble the packets of information photocopied as follows:
- Copy of the order record
- Copy of the proof of cease, if needed
- Highlight on each copy of the order record:
- The first 090 call number in the bib record. If there is no 090 number, highlight the first 050 call number.
- The 245
- The order number
- The order location
- The cease note in the order record
- The Acquisitions file (files with cancellations) will get the set with the original proof of cease.
- Catalog Maintenance will get the set with the copy of the proof of cease. Ask where the “cease” box is located, the first time you need to deliver these.
- The location gets a copy of the order record. Send it to the head of the appropriate unit. Items sent to “mn” or “mnper” are sent to [THE BIBLIOGRAPHER ASSOCIATED WITH THE FUND FOUND IN THE ORDER RECORD].
- The Bookkeeper in Acquisitions receives the final copy of the order record.
Ceases known in advance
When the publisher notifies the library in advance of an upcoming cease, update the check-in card only.
- Highlight the box after the last expected issue. Change the status to “BLANK” and key this note “Expected to cease.”
- In the last expect issues box, add a note “Give to Cease Clerk.”
- The Cease Clerk will file the notification in a pending file until the last expected issue arrives.
- When the issue arrives, the Cease Clerk will examine the issue to see if there is indication on the piece that it is really the final issue. If there is, follow the normal cease procedure above. If there is not, continue with step 5.
- If the issue does not indicate that it is the final issue, check OCLC, vendor databases (such as Swets Blackwell Connect) and publisher websites. If these sources confirm the cease with the issue in hand, follow the normal cease procedure above. If they do not, continue with step 6.
- If no evidence of a cease can be found, remove the note from the issue box of the check-in card and create another box that with the note “Give to Cease Clerk” and re-file the notification in the pending file.
- The pending file should be reviewed periodically for items that have remained in the file for over 6 months due to lack of clear documentation of ceasing. Any titles that cannot be resolved after 6 months can be given to the Resolutions Clerk.
Ceases receipts
It may sound like an oxymoron to think of cease receipts but they do occur! Publishers may find that they have enough articles for an additional issue. Vendors may have received and forwarded to the Library, incorrect information. The publisher may simply change their mind. When this occurs:
- Compare the information pertaining to the cease recorded in the order record to what was recorded in the check-in card. If the two records disagree and the order card shows that the issue just received should be received, revise the check-in card and check-in the issue. If they agree, go to step 2.
- If the records agree, go to the ceased/cancelled records file and find the original information used to cease the title in the first place. Does it match the records?
- If the information does not match the record and indicates that the issue should be received, revise the check-in card and check-in the issue. Print two copies of the order record Send one copy to Catalog Maintenance with a note: “Revised information about this title.” Send the other copy to the location with the same note when the issue is sent.
- If the record and cease information agree, go to step 3.
- If it appears that we have processed the cease correctly and the issue is truly unexpected, give the cease information packet retrieved in step 2 and the issue to the Problem Resolution Clerk. The Clerk will call the vendor or perform whatever research is required to establish if the title really has ceased and with which issue. The Problem Resolution Clerk will return the issue, the cease information, and instructions for how to correct the record. The Cease Clerk will revise the record and check-in the issue adding whatever notes are required to correct the situation. Notify Catalog Maintenance and the location as in step 2a.
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Updated | March 2018 |
Created | March 2018 |
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