Checkin cards

Checkin cards

Summary: Procedure details the creation and maintenance of checkin cards by Acquisitions staff.

This procedure is archived and no longer valid following the June 2022 system migration from Sierra to FOLIO. It has been retained for historic value only. It is not updated or reviewed. 

Checkin cards are a proprietary part of the III Sierra ILS client. Checkin cards are for standing orders only. They allow for the anticipation of new issues or volumes, keeping track of when these print items arrive, and claiming when paid for items fail to arrive. When new items are received, they are checked in on the checkin card. 

Acquisitions creates check-in cards, which are for standing-order titles only. If desired, catalogers may create a check-in card for a standing-order title to set up the captions and patterns that are more complicated. Catalogers do not check in pieces. Below is a brief FYI in setting up a check-in card. Check with Acquisitions for more details.

In the “Create card” dialog box:
Status=c (current)
Display mode=c (box)
Items on card is based on frequency:
Weekly = 70
Monthly = 24
Quarterly = 24
Annual = 10
(for others use reasonable judgment)

Do not check the box for “Create item during check-in” nor “Suppress OPAC display” (i.e., options are not to be selected).

Update Holdings=No [As we use open-holdings statements (ending with a hyphen), we do not need to update holdings when pieces are bound.]

Frequency should already be determined from 853 in check-in record.

You will need to input the numbering/dates of the first issue in hand, and verify number of issues per volume, and numbering continuity. Claiming/binding box – accept system supplied elements.

Click the “Submit” button. A check-in card will appear.
Click on the first issue box and Ctrl-M or double click to modify the box:
Change “Status” to “A” = Arrived.
Change “Expected date” to the date the piece was stamped received (if it is softbound) or to today’s date, if it is hardbound.
Change “Total copies received” to 1.
Click “Submit.”
Highlight the entire card (using the shift key and scrolling down through the card)
Press Ctrl-u to bring out the template to update the boxes as a group, click on Tools—Box Menu—Update Boxes as a Group.
Check “Expected date” and “Increment transaction dates” and then “Submit.”
Then click “Save.”

VENDOR and LABEL TYPE: Leave the default as is. If the title is on standing order, pass it to Acquisitions to complete the information. Below is just brief FYI.
Vendor= copy code from order record. If this field has “none” there will be a vendor address in the order record (a variable field). It must be added also, as a variable field (using field group tag q) in the check-in record.

Label type for standing-order titles only (to be printed after check-in). For example,
mnnpr/mnhgh: code n [no label]
mnper needs a label (see label codes below)
mn needs a label, if the piece is softbound (see label codes below)

Also consult the chart for locations, workstats and labeling based on frequency, destination and binding.

Label codes are:
a – call number, volume and/or issue number
b – call number, cover date
g – type “a” plus prints internal note label
h – type “b” plus prints internal note label
n – no label


Checkin cards are created and maintained by Acquisitions staff only.

ContactLisa Smith 
UpdatedJune 2022
CreatedMarch 2018

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