Video games

Video games

Summary: Instructions for catalogers working with video games, including games from the Rovi collection.


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Copy Cataloging

  • Most games will have matching copy in Connexion; many games will have competing matching copy. Select copy based on factors of quality, number of other holding institutions, etc.

  • Apply OLAC Best Practices to enhance any selected copy; replace OCLC master records as appropriate, abiding by OCLC’s guidelines for doing so.

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Rovi Video Game Cataloging Procedures

Video games in the Rovi Media Collection were cataloged by automation based on data originally submitted to MSUL by Rovi. MSUL’s automated cataloging utilized scripts that referenced constant data for individual gaming platforms. The resulting MARC records (about 13,000) were loaded into Sierra as suppressed records in 2015. This procedure involves enhancing those records via manual cataloging.

Video games in the collection are selected for full manual cataloging according to priorities set by the Gaming Coordinator. They are to be cataloged following the guidance below, the bib records unsuppressed and the items delivered to the locked Acquisitions closet for retrieval by the Gaming Coordinator for any additional processing, inventorying of accompanying pieces and delivery to the Kline Digital & Multimedia Center for use.

  1. Connexion
    1. Log in with EEMRV authorization (not EEM)
      1. If you don't have this authorization, contact Head of Cataloging
    2. 049 should be EMRV
    3. Identify matching copy per the steps above, or perform original cataloging
  2. Fixed fields

    1. Type = m
    2. Blvl = m
    3. Desc = i (RDA) or a (AACR2)
    4. Elvl = assign as appropriate
    5. Form = q
    6. File = g
    7. Srce = d
    8. DtSt = assign as appropriate
    9. Dates = assign as appropriate
    10. Lang = assign as appropriate
    11. Ctry = assign as appropriate
  3. Recording game platform
    1. Per OLAC Best Practices, use the Edition Statement (MARC 250) to transcribe the platform information as it appears on the piece. If item has multiple edition statements (i.e. “special edition,” “gold edition,” etc.), platform should be in the first 250.
    2. MSUL Exception: PC, Mac and PC/Mac hybrid games require MARC 250s of these respective forms in square brackets:
      1. PC
      2. Macintosh
      3. PC or Macintosh
    3. In MARC field 753, record a game platform term from the GAMECIP Computer Game Platform controlled vocabulary as represented in the Metadata Registry. Record the term in its controlled form, followed by the GAMECIP code and appropriate URI. For example:
      1. 753 __ Microsoft Xbox 360 ǂ2 gcipplatform ǂ0 https://gamemetadata.soe.ucsc.edu/platform/1012

  4. Call numbers
    1. In bib record:
      1. 099: append “video game disc” or “video game cartridge” to the end of the Rovi accession number as necessary to complete the call number.
      2. Remove the 5 character box number from the beginning of the call number (e.g. G0145).
    2. In item record (in Sierra):
      1. Duplicate the c-tagged 099 from the bib record in the item record, with the 5 character box number removed.
    3. If item lacks a ROVI accession number:
      1. Go to the ROVI Gaming Collection - Master File on Google Drive.
        1. Create a new entry for the item in an empty row in the spreadsheet. Record item title, platform, and create an accession number in the Lablnum row that sequentially follows the entry above.
      2. Record the accession number on a Post-It note and place it on the item.
      3. In bib record:
        1. 099: complete ROVI accession number with “video game disc” or “video game cartridge.”
      4. In item record:
        1. Duplicate the c-tagged 099 from the bib record in the item record.
        2. Add a barcode number using the ROVI accession number without the terms “video game disc” or “video game cartridge”
        3. Add the location code ‘rvgam’ in addition to the ‘rv’ location.
  5. Genre
    1. 655 _7: add Rovi genre term from Sierra to OCLC, and tag as “local” in $2. For example:
      1. 655 _7 Role-playing ǂ2 local
    2. After exporting, change 655 _7 from ǂ2 local to ǂ2 rovi in Sierra
    3. 655 _7  Add genre term from GAMER Gameplay Genre controlled vocabulary, the GAMER MARC code for the controlled vocabulary, and accompanying URI. For example:
      1. 655 _7 Role-Playing ǂ2 vgmsgg ǂ0 http://metadataregistry.org/uri/gamergenre/1003
  6. Local series
    1. 830 _0 Rovi Media Collection. ǂp Games. ǂ5 MiEM
  7. Item record
    1. Manually update item record with these values:
      1. ICODE2: --
    2. Include a piece count for the item and link to the photo drive. For games that are in their original packaging, include the insert within the plastic cover as part of the count:
      1. m x piece(s) http://static.lib.msu.edu/rovi/games/rovi accession number.jpg
    3. Include a workstat:
      1. cmscopycpfmXXX
      2. cmsorigcpfmXXX
    4. If item lacked a ROVI accession number, an item record will need to be added to Sierra after exporting the bib record from Connexion.
      1. From the Summary screen in Sierra for the item, Attach New Item.
        1. Location: rvgam
        2. Insert c Call # by duplicating 099 from bib record
        3. Insert a Barcode using the accession number (without “video game disc” or “video game cartridge”).
      2. Follow the steps for updating the item record, adding a piece count, and  including workstats.
  8. Bib suppression code
    1. Change the bib record’s suppression value to ‘v’ for Rovi
  9. Physical processing
    1. Physical processing is handled by CatMan per these procedures.

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ContactJoshua Barton or Julia Ezzo
UpdatedFebruary 2020
CreatedFebruary 2020

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