Special Collections Serial Holdings Clean-up Project

Special Collections Serial Holdings Clean-up Project

Summary: Instructions for Special Collections and/or Technical Services staff to restore serial holdings statements lost during Folio migration due to inaccurate MARC coding in Sierra


  • In the 2022 Folio migration, Special Collections serial holdings statements for 309 titles failed to migrate.
  • These failed because they were recorded in standalone 863 fields (formulated as textual holdings and lacking the necessary 853 paired field).
  • The unmigrated holdings statements were still available in archive Sierra, from which they have been extracted to a spreadsheet for manual restoration in Folio Inventory.


  1. Access the spreadsheet of impacted serial titles
  2. Claim a title to work on by recording your initials in Column A
  3. Retrieve the impacted title by searching on Sierra bib number or OCLC number in Folio Inventory
    1. Sierra bib number can be searched in Instance / Keyword, but must be preceded by a period in your search: .bXXXXXXXX
    2. OCLC number can be searched in Instance / OCLC number, normalized
  4. With the impacted title retrieved:
    1. Identify the impacted holdings record (if there is more than one present)
    2. Click View Holdings to examine the holdings record
    3. Within the holdings record, click Actions / Edit to begin editing
  5. When editing the holdings record:
    1. Locate the Holdings details portion of the record
    2. Click Add Holdings Statement
    3. Copy and paste the contents of Column E (and any rightward columns) into the holdings statement field(s)
    4. Be mindful of the order of holdings statement fields if creating multiple; they cannot be dragged to be reordered and new fields cannot be added between existing
  6. When finished, click Save and close in the lower right

ContactJoshua Barton
TeamCMS, Special Collections
UpdatedMarch 2023
CreatedMarch 2023

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