Serial labeling

Summary: This procedure provides guidance on selecting serial enumeration and chronology for serials in the case of a serial add. It also provides guidance on formatting the enumeration and chronology under the call number when labeling serials. 

If both enumeration (for example, volume, edition, issue number) and chronology (e.g., year) are present on the piece, both are recorded in the following places:

  1. On the serial acquisitions streamer if item is a serial add, beneath where the call number is written.
  2. In the volume field of the item record.
  3. On the call number label.
  4. In the bib record in the MARC 362 Dates of Publication and/or Sequential Designation or the 588 Description based on/Latest issue consulted fields (consult with a serial cataloger if this is not true or if questions arise regarding enumeration or chronology).

When more than one type of date is present on a piece, dates are selected from the following preferred dates, in this order:

  1. Date of designation –  A numeral or combination of numbers, dates, letters, or words that identifies an issue of a serial within a numeric sequence (CCM definition).
  2. Date of coverage – A date that reflects the coverage of the contents of the item (e.g., FY 1989) (CCM definition).
  3. Date of publication –  A date associated with the publication, release, or issuing of a resource (RDA definition).
  4. Date of copyright – A legal date that reflects the year in which an issue is registered for copyright protection (CCM definition).
  5. Date of printing

Examples of dates:

The date of designation may appear on the title page, cover, or spine and usually corresponds to what is recorded in the 362 or 588 field.

The date of publication may appear at the bottom of the title page or the verso/back of the title page.

As it looks on the pieceAs the piece is labeled (beneath call number)As it is recorded on the item record in the VOLUME field
v. 10 1999
[published in 2000]
v.10 1999
v. 10
Annual report…ending fiscal year July 31, 1999
[published in 2000]
(Designation date is the same as the coverage date.)


(follow this practice, unless previous volumes recorded as 1998/1999)

v.10 1999

(follow this practice, unless previous volumes recorded as 1998/1999)

Annual report covering July 1, 1998 to June 30, 1999
[published in 2000]
(Designation date is the same as the coverage date.)
2000 annual report covering Sept. 1, 1998 to Aug. 30, 1999
[published in 2001]
(Designation, coverage and publication dates all present-
Use designation date.)
1991 v.1
c1992 [copyright date]
(If numbering repeats within a year, numbering is placed after year)
1991 v.1
1 1999
(no enumeration caption on piece, nor in LIB HAS and LDR)
no.1 1999

ContactEmily Sanford or Joshua Barton
UpdatedApril 2018
CreatedApril 2018