Creating .csv file with Opticon software and scanner

Summary: Instructions on how to use Opticon software and scanner to create lists for Bulk edit in Folio.

  1. Make sure Opticon scanner is empty before scanning new barcodes by plugging scanner into the computer and clicking Delete barcodes.
  2. After emptying, scanner is now ready and can be unplugged.
  3. Scan barcodes with Opticon Scanner and plug it back into computer.
  4. Before importing:
    1. Make sure boxes under Display is unchecked.
    2. Under Formatting Options, check CSV.
    3. Click the ellipse next to the checked Save to file.
    4. Save new file name with the extension .csv and choose where you want the file saved.
  5. Click Get barcodes to generate csv file.
  6. The csv file should be saved in the location you chose.

Opticon software screen capture

Filename example


ContactPearl Wong
UpdatedMarch 2023
CreatedMarch 2023